Call For Drug Integrity Tests On Politicians By NDLEA Outrageous, Outlandish And Deliberate Attack - IPAC

Category: Nigeria News

Yabayi Sani, the National Chairman, Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), has disagreed with the proposal by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) that aspirants be made to undergo drug integrity tests as part of screening requirements for seeking elective offices in the 2023 general elections.

In a statement, the IPAC National chairman described the proposal as outrageous, outlandish, preposterous, despicable and a deliberate attack on the sensibilities of lovers of democracy in the country.

Recall that the NDLEA, recently proposed that political parties should carry out drug tests on all aspirants seeking to contest political offices on their platforms in the 2023 general elections.

According to the IPAC, “The awkward proposal portrays politicians as drug addicts who must be certified fit to run for various elective offices by the agency. It is reprehensible and unacceptable.”

He stressed the need for the NDLEA to tender an apology and advised the anti-narcotic agency to desist from impugning the character and integrity of politicians, including those contesting for presidency, who he described as “patriotic and highly respected”.


  1. Are they afraid? Take the test if you're not guilty then fine. Is that too difficult to ask?

  2. This man must be a joker. The constitution provides that only those with proper and sound mind are eligible to contest elections in Nigeria. How sound and proper are the minds of people who engage in substance abuse ? How do we know people who are engaged in substance abuse if they are not tested ? I wonder the selection criteria we use in appointing people into some leadership positions in this country.


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