Man Drowns While Recreating Titanic Pose With His Girlfriend

Category: Bizarre & Strange News

A man has drowned while recreating the ‘king of the world’ pose from the Titanic with his girlfriend on a Turkish pier after the couple slipped and plunged into the sea.

Furkan Ciftci and his girlfriend Mine Dinar, both 23, had stood at the edge of the Izmit Marina Pier in the north-western Turkish province of Kocaeli to recreate Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet’s famous flying pose in the 1997 film.
But the couple, who had been drinking alcohol before coming up with the idea of recreating the ‘King of the World’ pose from the Oscar-winning film, fell into the ocean at around 9.15pm on Sunday.

Local fishermen saw the couple fall off the pier and rushed to help them. 

Ms Dinar managed to grab onto the end of one of the fishermen’s fishing road and was eventually pulled to safety.

But her boyfriend Mr Ciftci disappeared under the waves and the emergency services were called to the scene.

Ms Dinar was taken to hospital by ambulance while a search operation to find Mr Ciftci was launched, involving firefighters and a diving team. 

Mr Ciftci’s lifeless body was pulled out of the water nearly two hours later.

Furkan’s body will undergo an autopsy before his funeral takes place in his hometown Duzce.

The investigation into the incident continues.

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