God Can Use Your Enemy's Friend To HELP You

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

God Can Use Your Enemy's Friend To HELP You: 1 Samuel 20.

Now David had become very popular in Israel, like many young political appointees in today's world can become popular, even more than their principals, to the extent that are being groomed for the leaders' position.

David became a threat to King Saul's position, as it seemed that the people of Israel preferred him over Saul, because of his war records. 

Just like in the present day where an appointee becomes a preferred candidate than the one who appointed him, most of the time, the incumbent usually have a way of leading such a preferred candidate to their death.

It always like, if he didn't appoint him, he would never have been know, come to think of it, if David didn't meet Saul, and Saul didn't appoint him, he would never have been known, not to talk of becoming the preferred leader.

Most times, these leaders have all the state resources at their disposals, (soldiers, police and other security forces) and they have so much money and power to even employ the service of a hired killer.

They always have a means to put away a perceived enemy, especially someone who has become a threat to their position, particularly if such a person has become the preferred choice of the people.

This is the situation that David had found himself at this particular time we are talking about. Saul was seeking all means to exterminate him, so would no longer be a threat to his position. 

David ran away from the city, just like many oppositions today would go on exile, when there is threat to their lives. 

He met Jonathan, close son of Saul and the heir to his throne. Jonathan was very close to his father, Saul, he was a "real friend" of Saul.

In some modern quotes you would often hear; "the friend of your enemy is your enemy". What they are trying to say, is that anyone close to your enemy can be the instrument to be used to destroy, as the enemy may not have chance to come close to you. So, most often, people keep away from anyone that is close to their perceived enemies.

But in this case, because of the blessings and favor David received from God, as close as Jonathan was to his father, and even though he was the one Saul was projecting as the next king after himself, Jonathan still preferred David to his father, that can only be God.

Because Jonathan stands to lose so much, for one he was going after his father, and secondly he would be losing his throne to David, should he defeat his father, all that didn't deter him. That can only God!

Jonathan promised to help David escape his father's trap, and he did.

He was ready to betray his own father, in 1 Samuel 20:2, he told David, "You're not going to die. He(Saul) always tells me everything he's going to do, even the little things. I know my father wouldn't hide something like this from me..."

They both had an agreement that Jonathan would find out what his father was planning against David. Jonathan was able to find out from his dad, that he was going to kill David. He found a way of informing David and helped him escape out of the country. 

God can use the friend of your enemy to help you.

Yes- very true, it may not even be a case of life and death like this one of David. It could be an enemy who had sworn that you will not achieve your goals in life, that you will not get that job you are looking for, or that contract you earnestly strive for. 

God can use the friends of your enemy to change the story, because there is nothing that God is not capable of doing- Luke 1:37 "For with God Nothing Shall be Impossible"

Praise the Lord!

Prayer: May God use your enemy's friend to bless you today, in Jesus' name, Amen!

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