How To Treat Typhoid Using Herbs

Category: Health

Health is wealth. A healthy man is happy man. All over the generations, the subject of health has not been over-emphasized. Today, there are various methods adopted by individuals for their health care based on traditional beliefs, religion, education e.t.c. All is aimed at a healthy living. 

However, these methods have their various short comings ranging from efficiency, availability, financial cost, side effect, etc

It is important to note that natural therapy; use of fruits, vegetables and mineral resources are the first, most efficient, less expensive and oldest form of health care. Its reliability is based on several centuries of trial and error; and selection based on benefits derived.

Plant are known to contain vitamins, minerals and chemical components necessary for health.

Nutritionists often recommend daily intake of fruits and vegetables because of their vitamins and mineral components. Every part of plant is medicinal and most ailments can be treated with plants.

How to treat typhoid using natural herbs

Ingredients need:

1- Unripe pawpaw

2- Unripe pineapple

3- Grape

4- Ginger

5- Lime

6- Sugar cane

7- Lipton tea

How to prepare: 

Cut everything into bits or pieces, boil with fermented pap water for one hour.

How to use:

Take one cup, three times daily for one week. You will pee off everything. 

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