Living in Sin

If you are still sinning and enjoying it, read this carefully and repent fast! You don’t know what is ahead of you, sinning. If you are still committing adultery, murder, stealing, cheating your neighbor and lying, its time you change your ways and please be fast about it!

Ezekiel 7:8-9, “Soon I will pour out my fury on you and unleash my anger against you. I will call you to account for all your detestable sins. I will turn my eyes away and show no pity. I will repay you for all your detestable sins. Then you will know that it is I, the Lord who is striking the blow”

You are fighting another man because God is blessing him, you don’t know its God you are fighting because it is God who blesses. You are jealous of your other fellow’s progress and you plot all sorts of evil against him, you don’t know God is seeing you, beware and watch out for your destruction is near.

“The Day of Judgment is here; your destruction awaits! The people’s wickedness and pride have blossomed to full flower. Their violence has grown into a rod that will beat them for their wickedness. None of these proud and wicked people will survive. All their wealth and prestige will be swept away.” Ezekiel 7: 10-11

Your pride and boasting will soon come to an end by the time the hand of the Lord touches and deals with you for your arrogance and wickedness. “Yes, the time has come; the day is here! Buyers should not rejoice over bargains, nor sellers grieve over looses, for all of them will fall under my terrible anger. Even of the merchants survive, they will never return to their business. For what God has said applies to everyone- it will not be changed! Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover” Ezekiel 7: 12-13

So if you are still boasting in your sins, you will not be spared, the word of God is yea and amen and it will hold strong forever and ever.

On the day of God’s judgment your money and wealth and pride will not save you from God’s judgment. Your position, your influence and properties will not save you from the Lord’s anger. The word of God says:
“They will throw their money in the streets, tossing it out like worthless trash. Their silver and gold won’t save them on that day of the Lord’s anger. It will neither satisfy nor feed them, for their greed can only trip them up” Ezekiel 7: 19

That means pride leads to greed and greed leads to a higher greed. “They were proud of their beautiful jewelry (Houses, cars, expensive clothes, money in various bank accounts) and used it to make detestable idols and vile images. Therefore, I will make all their wealth disgusting to them” Ezekiel 7: 20

No wonder some are so rich and influential and yet are the saddest people you can imagine. Yes because the word of God never fails. There is nothing wrong in being rich, in fact it is a thing of pride for the kingdom of God when you are very wealthy, using your riches to bless the poor, the less privileged, widows, orphans and all those in need. God is happy with such kind of wealth.

But when you use you wealth to promote violence, promote evil and sexual foolishness, God will make that wealth useless to you, because you will not find happiness in it. His word says, “I will give it (your wealth) as plunder to foreigners, to the most wicked of nations; and they will defile it.” Ezekiel 7: 21

Now I understand why most of this very rich people who amass wealth for themselves through people’s resources, always died shameful deaths and their riches are always taken away. We know of those whose wealth are still in foreign countries till date even when they have died for over a decade. Yes it is the word of God.

He said, “I will turn my eyes from them as these robbers invade and defile my treasured land.” Ezekiel 7: 22.

The robbers could be diseases, pestilence, troubles, sorrow etc. This is the word of God,repent now before it is too late!

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