Message For Pastors and Men of God

Category: City Pastor's Teachings 

The truth is that it is not a sin if as a General Overseer or a Pastor you have vast land, properties, jets etc. as long as you used your personal resources to acquire that wealth. I mean as a pastor, there is nothing bad if you have a personal business you finance with the money you made from working for another organization, maybe you were a banker, a manager somewhere before you became a pastor, or maybe you even an Entrepreneur as you also do your pastor work.

But it is against the laws of the Almighty God for you to amass wealth with the resources people have brought to the house of the Lord. If you convert the resources brought to God’s house for yourself, man of God, you are sinning very greatly.

I don’t care what level or height you have attained in the ministry, I don’t care the number of flocks that you manage, I don’t even care the influence you have in the world. What I care about is what the word of God says.

Listen to this, in Ezekiel 44, after God had finished revealing the things that would happen top Israel to Prophet Ezekiel, he now gave this instructions to the priests heading the temples. He said; “The Priests will not have any property or possession of land, for I alone am their special possession. Their food will come from the gifts and sacrifices brought to the Temple by the people- the grain offerings. Whatever anyone sets apart for the Lord will belong to the priests. The first samples of each grain harvest and the first of your flour must also be given to the Priests so the Lord will bless your homes” Ezekiel 44: 28-30

Yes there is nothing wrong if a member of your congregation willingly gives you a jet as a gift or if a member of the congregation buys you land properties at will, but you do not have the right to deep hands into the resources of the church for your personal usage.

Those condemning men of God for using offerings belonging to the church are right and also wrong, what the Bible says about this is that the food of the priests will come from the gifts and sacrifices (offerings, tithes, donations) brought to the Temple by the people- the grain offerings. Whatever anyone sets apart for the Lord will belong to the priests.

So it is actually not a sin if a pastor feeds on what is brought to the house of the Lord, but God is not expecting the pastor to build mansions, by jets etc with these offerings brought to the church by the members.

Praise the Lord! 

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