Practical Keys To Entering Your Financial Rest

Category: Messages By Men of God

No man enters rest without a fight. Any man you see today who is resting must have fought a battle before resting. 

So when we talk about rest, we are talking about confronting every element that will fight this rest. When we talk about rest, it means, coming against every factor, that will fight rest in our health, rest in our finances, rest in our marriages, rest in our homes, if you don't make up your mind to fight, you may not find this rest.

A man who eats every money that comes into his hands, will suffer poverty at old age, only a fool spends everything he has, a wise man will always have reserve.

A man who likes jewelries will even buy on credit. Now, you can't have rest if you are debtor, you can't enjoy rest if you are a debtor, that is why the bible says, "borrow from no man"

Many of us today, we don't qualify to live in a flat, our lives have become flat because when we are in flats, our incomes cannot pay for our luxury.

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