When You are Successful, You Will Be Envied!

Category: City Pastor's Teachings


After David defeated Goliath as we studied in 1 Samuel 17, King Saul kept him in his house because he loved him, because, according to the bible, David did whatever Saul asked him to do successfully.

The bible didn’t say David whatever Saul asked him to do, the bible say, he did whatever Saul asked him to do “successfully”.

Such that Saul made him a commander over the men of war. That means he was like the commander of a battalion; you know what that means? For a man who never fought war, nor was an army to be the commander of a battalion, that is huge, that is a lot! That is success.

But there was a problem! Each time the Israelites defeated their enemies and were returning to the state, guess what the people always do! They would sing and dance in joy. Hear what their songs contains- “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousand!”

Isn’t that truly annoying? Imagine that kind of song being sang in the ears of a present-day president, a credit that should be given him, being credited to a mere appointee, an ordinary commander of a battalion.

Its not even the president that would call for his sack, it would be one of his ministers and he may not only be sacked, he may never be anything again in that country. As you know in the present world, every achievement by a country is usually credited to the commander-in-chief, the president.

If by chance a situation like this arouses, it would easily be referred to as “coup”.

This their usual songs of praise for David infuriated Saul, he was very angry, but he wouldn’t come in the open to show is anger so that people will not judge him, he had to device a secret way to eliminate David, whom he had loved so much, but now out of envy hates him so much too, because of his perceived success.

People who love you can become jealous of you because of your sudden success.

There are lots of people who would rather, that you continue to live in penury, be dependent on them, than for you to be successful. Once they notice that you are becoming successful; maybe you were not having a car before and you suddenly bought car- they may even have many more cars than you do, but they can become jealous of that single car that you have because they never expected that you would be able to buy one!

Jealousy and envy are human nature, you don’t have to offend people or do anything bad for them to envy you.

But when they become jealous and envious but you keep succeeding, they will make all kind of efforts to bring you down.

People can device all means to bring you down, they can set you up, frame you with police for what you know nothing about, some will even go as far as using spiritual attacks on you just to bring you down, but because you put your trust in God, their plans will never succeed.

The interesting part is that once they keep trying to bring you down and they don’t succeed they will become afraid of you, because they don’t know the power that is backing you up.

1 Samuel 18:12, Saul was then afraid of David, for the LORD was with David.

Yes, they will be afraid of you because God is with you and you will keep prospering, especially because you put your trust in God.

1 Samuel 18:14-15, David continued to succeed in every thing he did, for the LORD was with him. When Saul recognized this, he became even more afraid of him.

You enemies will be afraid of you because God is with you. When God is with you, you will succeed in all that you do.

Enemies don’t get tired, especially when they continue to see your success, they will feel more jealousy and envy. They will still look for other means to hurt you, to bring you down, but because you trust in God and obey his commandments, you will keep succeeding, regardless of whatever they do; and they will be even more afraid of you because of your success, which is a pure success from God.

Prayer: May God give you the grace to serve Him, honor Him, do His will and may your enemies be afraid of you because of your successes, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

City Pastor!

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