When You Give Joy, You Get More Joy in Return!

Category: Motivational

“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to happiness that you can give out.”— Eleanor Roosevelt

When I was young boy up till when I had grown up to a certain age, I found it difficult to put on a smile, I found it very hard to smile, but frowned a lot, I think growing up from the home I grew up led to my way of seeing life as being very "hard", and didn't see much reason to smile.

I had a lot of people that liked me so much, many people actually wanted to friends with me, but many others not sure of what my reaction would be, should they come close, are either never coming close, or hated my gut!

Some usually wonder how the few that are close to me manages it, because any relationship or friendship I go into always feels enviable to people who looks at me, because we would be extremely close, whether a male or female.

Why? As much as some others feels I was repulsive and wouldn't even try to come near, these people I am always close to sees me like the best person on earth, regardless of my facial appearance that looks intimidating some times.

What actually happens is that I give joy to most people that comes close to me, and most of the time I get more joy in return.

I don't know how people who hurts others deliberately, manages to do this. I use the word "deliberate" because some times you can hurt someone without necessarily knowing that you are.

Giving joy is a natural endowment, it can't be pretended. When you give joy to others, it will be glaring, even when they don't reciprocate it, you someone get joy, much more from other people you have not even given joy to.

This is why Anna Eleanor Roosevelt who was an American political figure, diplomat, and activist, American first lady for twelve years from 1933 to 1945 could coin such a beautiful quote as our motivational thought for today: “When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to happiness that you can give out.”— Eleanor Roosevelt

Her husband served as American president for four terms, they must have given lots of joy to Americans to have served in office that long, I'm sure they got joy in return, for such long service to a country even in democracy!

Always think of the much happiness that you can give out, because the more you make people happy, the happier you become to.

Today's Task: Look for someone to make happy today, it could be a colleague at work, a neighbor, an unknown person or a relative.

Have a nice day!


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