Why Politicians, Traders and Business People Should Not Cheat

Category: City Pastor's Teachings 

“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Enough, you princes of Israel! Stop your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Quit robbing and cheating my people out of their land. Stop expelling them from their homes, says the Sovereign Lord. Use only honest weights and scales and honest measures, both dry and liquid” Ezekiel 45: 9-10

This message of the Lord is not only for the people of Israel it applies to everywhere on this earth, particularly here in Nigeria. God is telling politicians to stop oppressing the people, stop this violence. Stop cheating your people, stop these oppression.

Remember yesterday when you were a nobody, when you were helpless and probably without food. Remember those days when you had no slippers, now you fly in jets. It is not a sin for you to fly in jets especially if you see it as an elevation from God Almighty.

But when you fly in jets and prevent the ordinary man from being able to afford the cost of riding in a “molue” bus, then God Almighty will surely punish you for this. You can feel very proud on this earth, but you will get the reward soonest than you can imagine.

Big man politician, change your ways now, God is asking you to stop now, stop your violence living, stop it now, God is warning you. Perhaps these are just your last days!

For business people who knows how to cheat their customers, because this customers has no choice doesn’t mean they have no creator, you use your telecommunications system to cheat the people, hidden costs, undue charges, call-drops, bad networks, without refunds. It is bad, it is bad, and it is sinful. The word of God is yea and amen, and it will come to pass.

God will punish every sin, you to have to take a gun to rob a man for you to become an armed robber; you can a thief when you cheat people through your business dealings! When will you stop all these, when God kills you?

Repent now, repent, now is the only chance and opportunity you have, obey God now before it is too late. Stop cheating people. Be sincere in all your business transactions and dealings.

Politicians stop making people run away from their homes, from their countries to a place where they have no future. Why would anyone prefer to live outside his home, if his home is comfortable for him to be in?

Father, I pray that Your words be manifested in our own very eyes, let everything you said in the Book of Ezekiel come to pass. Let all those people who have received your warnings; prostitutes, politicians, thieves, murderers, let the disasters you promised them come to pass now in Jesus name. Unless the repent today and change their ways, and ask you to take control of their lives. God your people are suffering, suffering for a cause they did not commit. People are dying every day, families are grieved, there is hunger and starvation in the land, and people are not even sure what would happen the next minute because of insecurity in the nation.

I prayed unto you this morning that those troubling your people will no longer find peace from today in the name of Jesus. They shall run around for solutions to their problems, but they will not find peace in Jesus name. Anywhere they go to from today, they shall keep running without finding solutions to their problems until they change their ways and return to you for cleansing. Let this come to pass O Lord, so that they will believe that You O Lord, You truly exist.

I commit your people into your hands O Lord, Your word said, with all the birds in the sky, you know all of them, so you know where each and every one of your people feels hurt, please meet your people at the points of their needs, in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Father, in Jesus name I have prayed, amen.

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