Why You Should Always Be Yourself

I have noticed the trend of believe of many people; most people will rather follow the multitude in their thinking and pattern of living rather than be focused on what God has said in the bible. People generally term those who can stand alone "anti-social" or "unpopular".

Don't be afraid of people of people because they have wealth or power, fear only the Lord your God who not only has the power to give wealth and power but can also give and take life. The bible has something interesting to say about this:

In Isaiah 8: 11, "The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does" (NLT)

All human beings have the ability to think and reason in their own way. We all have our independent mind especially when it comes to the things of God. The bible is the general guardian for all human who wants to be sure of what God has said pertaining to a particular issue.

It doesn't matter if it is your pastor that said a particular thing, why not confirm from the bible to see if what your pastor called the truth is actually the truth? That is why we have the ability to read, and understand. God gave all of us this ability; it is only those who do not want to find out the truths that are reluctant to confirm what the bible says about a particular matter.

The bible is written in several translations so that we can understand the meaning of what God is telling us in order not to be confused about a particular kind of language used in one version.

So why won’t people like to read their bible?

Many people are reluctant to read their bible because they don't want to be perceived as being "holy" while others don't read their bible because they find it uninteresting, many don't read the bible because they feel it's not meant for them. They will rather go to church on Sunday and listen to their pastor preach.

But the bible is one of the best materials on earth; it contains great warrior stories much captivating with suspense than many epic movies and great adventure novels.

So Isaiah went on to tell us this message from God, saying, "Don't call everything a conspiracy like they do, and don't live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heaven's Armies holy in your life. He is the One who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe" Isaiah 8:12-13 (NLT).

Don't mind people who laugh at you because you serve God; ignore those who think you shouldn't serve God because they feel you are a sinner or because you don't follow their own kind of doctrines. Don't because of their doctrines abandon God. Or ignore your service to God's work because of they say.

Look let me tell you, what God is after is your heart. Your true state of heart is what interests God. He is not even after whether you smoke or drink. He is after the true state of your heart.

He has clearly stated what sin is and He clearly gave us His commandments. Once you keep all these commandments and you worship and serve Him truly with the whole of your heart, He will save you from all forms of destruction including diseases and poverty.

Smoking and drinking can lead to sin, if after smoking or drinking you go out and fight, quarrel, murder, rape, commit adultery, fornicate or tell lies. But I tell you this truth, it's not only those who smoke and drink that commit all these sins, even those who don't smoke or drink sin; they worship idols and fornicate and deny God. You state of heart and position of mind is what is important to God not what you eat or drink.

Many people sin everyday even pastors commit sins. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 7: 20, "Not a single person on earth is always good or never sins" (NLT)

Look, I am not saying smoking is good, in fact drinking can cause some health issues but let me tell you something, so many other things apart from smoking and drinking leads to health failure, like too much eating, eating improperly and lack of sleep, but no one has termed anything of these things as sins. Too much sugar for instance leads to diabetes; too much salt in the system causes hypertension, and many more.

People publicly sell and advertise some drugs that promotes sexual- hormones in men and women, no one has termed these drugs as sins, even "born again" take them for enhancement, the same some people uses alcohol as sexual boost.

I think what God is interested in is you not breaking His Commandments and laws and to serve Him sincerely without becoming a hypocrite. Lots of people serve God with mouth, and being quiet doesn't mean serving God.

Please learn to study the bible, it contains everything you need to know about life; it's a guideline for a joyful living. Regardless of how people make you feel, always read the word of God daily and do what it commands.

Why let people condemn you because you serving God, even the bible in Ecclesiastes 7: 28B says, "Only one out of a thousand men is virtuous" (NLT). People's condemnation will only make you reluctant to serve God. Please follow your heart, do what is right and God will bless you.

CITY Pastor

"Preserve the teaching of God; entrust His instructions to those who follow me" Isaiah 8:16

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New

Living Translation.

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