Girl Forced To Execute Her Mother By Kicking Away Chair In Barbaric Hanging

Category: Bizarre News

A daughter executed her own mother by kicking away the chair as she was hanged in line with one of the Iranian regime’s most barbaric laws.

Maryam Karimi was condemned to die for killing her husband – who reportedly subjected her to years of abuse and refused to grant her a divorce. 


Her dad and only relative Ebrahim did his best to solve the issue peacefully but was unable to convince his stubborn son-in-law, so he aided his mistreated child in the killing, reports say.

After their arrest, Maryam’s six-year-old little girl went to live with her dad’s grandparents, who told her she was orphaned after both parents died 13 years earlier.

Just weeks before Maryam and Ebrahim’s execution date, the now 19-year-old daughter was told how her dad met his end.

On February 22 last year, Maryam and Ebrahim were transferred to death row, but the hanging was delayed for unknown reasons.

Under Iran’s take on Islamic Law, it is the relatives of murder victims rather than the state who decide the killer’s punishment.

On conviction, families are asked if they want revenge in the form of “qisas” or an “eye-for-an-eye”, or if they want to spare them and receive a sum of “blood money” instead. Forgiveness is also an option, one which is surprisingly popular.

The qisas law becomes even more barbaric when the victims are related or married. In Maryam’s case, the only person who could make the decision was her daughter.

A few weeks later, the teen was taken to Rasht Central Prison to kick the chair out from under her own mum’s feet, causing her to drop as she was hanged from the rafters.

Ebrahim was given a temporary reprieve but guards made sure to escort him in front of the stage where his daughter’s body was still swinging from the gallows.

In June this year, Ebrahim was killed in the same prison as his daughter.

Iranian rights groups believe the qisas system gives the Iran’s clerical leaders plausible deniability, allowing them to shirk the responsibility of being the second most prolific state executor, with only China beating its grim annual tallies.

It also breeds an insidious violence which permeates throughout Iranian society.

Director of Iran Human Rights Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam shared this harrowing story with The Mirror, adding that the judicial system is “converting” victims into executioners.

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