‘Loneliest Man In The World’ Dies

Category: World News

A tribesman dubbed ‘the loneliest man in the world’ after living in isolation for 26 years has died in the Brazilian rainforest.

Land grabbers and cattle ranchers had completely wiped out the rest of his tribe in several attacks since the 1970s, leaving him to live out the rest of his days on his own.

The hermit shunned all contact with the outside world although authorities kept an eye on him and occasionally left him supplies.

The man, who was also known as the ‘Man of the Hole’ for constructing deep holes to trap animals and hide in, lived deep in the Amazon in Rondonia state.

Fiona Watson, researcher and advocacy director for Survival International, said: ‘No outsider knew this man’s name, or even very much about his tribe – and with his death the genocide of his people is complete.’

‘For this was indeed a genocide – the deliberate wiping out of an entire people by cattle ranchers hungry for land and wealth.’

His body was found lying in a hammock by Funai, the indigenous affairs agency, on Tuesday.

There were not any signs of struggle or violence or any indication that others were present.

Police said he died of natural causes but his body will undergo a forensic examination.

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