Why 'STARTING' Is Always The Most Important Part of Your Journey

Category: Motivational

Good morning and happy new month to you, I pray that this month will be your best so far in this year 2022.

I'd like to start this subject of discussion today, with this quote credited to Plato, Plato was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent.

And here is what he said; “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

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I totally agree with this, why? Because if you don't start a thing, you can never get to the end of it, have you ever seen any builder who started the building from the roof then to the foundation? - Never! Even when you want to make a journey, you want to go to particular place, you always have to start the journey before you can get to where you are going.

Regardless of the traffic on the way, if you have to go to work, you MUST first leave your house, if not you cannot get to your destination.

A lot of times, the preparation of journey is important, but beginning the trip is the most important, because no matter how much you prepare, if you don't get up and leave the house you can NEVER get to that place you are going to.

Also See: 17 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You to Be Successful

For some people like myself who doesn't like going out much, we find it difficult going out and we have to plan and plan over making that outing, but sometimes, you will agree with me that even after all the preparations, you may decide at the last minute that you are no longer interested in that outing, especially when it is not very important.

But once, you have got dressed, entered your car, or board a bus, there are about 90% chances that you would get to your destination, no matter how late, but if you like prepare from now till thy kingdom come, if you don't set on the trip, you CANNOT get to the place you are going.

Yes, that is the way it is with our career, goals, purpose, work and ambition, if you must be able to achieve any of these, you MUST start first. There is no doubt that preparation is important, but no matter how prepared you are, if you don't START, you cannot get there.

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Do you have an ambition, a goal or something you want to achieve in life, you must START somewhere and continue to progress on it. Procrastination will NEVER take you anywhere, but STARTING the journey will take you somewhere.

If you are going on a trip somewhere, and you decide to leave the house at 6:00am, when you get to the bus stop, you meet traffic and so many other delays, and you later got to your destination at 11:00am, you are better than that someone who decided not to leave the house at all because they envisaged traffic, they refused to START the journey and never got anywhere.

If you have that great idea that you believe will sell, all you need to do is PRAY about it, BELIEVE it, PLAN and START it, it may look difficult, even over time, but if you are meant to achieve that thing, you will see that over time, it will be actualized. 

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This great musician, Michael Jackson also said this about STARTING, he said, “You got to be STARTING something too high to get over.” – Michael Jackson

George Eliot said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

So it's all about STARTING it, there is no time that is too late, as long as you are alive!

Also See:  Stay Away From People That Discourage You From Your Ambition

Do have a pleasant and fulfilled day!


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