God Punishes All Sins

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Most people think as soon as they confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior everything instantly changes physically for them, even if they had been hired assassins, armed robbers and prostitutes.

Unfortunately, God doesn’t work like that. Now that you are Born-again, God has truly forgiven you and He will bless you because He says, He will bless those who follow Him and obeys His commandments.

But let me disappoint you a little so that when you become Born-again and haven’t don’t receive immediate miracle you won’t backslide like many so-called Christians today.

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God will punish you for your sinful deeds, though it may be mild compared to what He could have done to you if you are not His child. But he will first make sure you are punished for your past sins before He will now bless you. Most people lose it because they are unable or refuse to stay through the punishment.

If for instance a father punishes his son for stealing, he asks him to kneel down in his room until returns home, on returning if the father meets the boy already playing outside, out of his anger he may either beat him or even increase the punishment because the boy has now added disobedience to his initial stealing.

But from the instance the boy stole, the father already knows that he would eventually forgive hos son, but if he fails to punish bot and parts him instead, the boy would steal again and again until he becomes an armed robber.

READ: See What Will Happen To The Unrepentant Sinner

The father who comes back home after telling the son to kneel in his room for stealing and meets the boy in his room still kneeling down and as soon as he sees the father comes, begins to beg, “daddy, am sorry, I will not steal again”, the father is touched and relieves him of the punishment and can even give him some money.

So that is the way with God too and that is where most Christians miss it! They believe they can commit adultery, fornicate, prostitute and steal and yet remain in God’s grace just because they have a pastor who prophecies fake prophecies on them every Sunday!

The word of God will ever remain His word forever, no one can change it. For your own good, hear what the word of God says in Amos 1:3-5, “This is what the Lord says: “The people of Damascus have sinned again and again and I will not let them go unpunished! They beat down my people (The children of God) in Gilead as grain is threshed with iron sledges (Just the way we are here in Nigeria). So I will send down fire on King Hazael’s palace (The place of the enemies of God’s people), and the fortresses of King Benhadad will be destroyed. I will breakdown the gate of Damascus and slaughter the people in the valley of Aven. I will destroy the ruler in Beth-eden, and the people of Aram will go as captives to Kir,” says the Lord.

READ: The Adulteress and Prostitute

Possibly you are wondering why your name is not mentioned in the text and how this message applies to you, even though you are still a sinner. 

Okay let me tell you this, those words like King Hazael’s palace is synonym or likened to the company, businesses and homes owned by a sinner who has oppressed a child of God, or children of God or has committed all or some of the sins that God has commanded us not to.

“This is what the Lord says: “The people of Amon (sinners) have sinned again and again, and I will not let them go unpunished! When they attacked Gilead to extend their borders, they ripped open pregnant women, with their swords. So I will send down fire on the walls of Rabbah, and all its fortresses will be destroyed. The battle will come upon them with shouts, like a whirlwind in a mighty storm. And their king and his princes will go into exile together, says the Lord” Amos 1:13-15

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He says sinners will not go unpunished, so when God punishes you, be happy for He is correcting you. Just as parents will scold his child but cannot scold a neighbor’s child so that the child’s parent will not be angry.

Be happy when God corrects you through punishments because it shows that He truly loves and care for you.

You may wonder why some people have stayed in sin for very long and yet it seems they are untouchable, no, they can be touched but God is not concerned about them, He is worried about those who will be saved because there will be eternal judgment at the end for everyone. Some will go to heaven and some to hell. So He wants His children to go to heaven where He also dwells.

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A father who has disowned a child is not bothered about what happens to the child. The child may fall sick, be imprisoned or even killed, but the father will not be bothered because he has already disowned the child, that is the cases with those you see excelling in sin.

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