How God Used Me To Heal My Mother

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

Anyone can be used by God for his miracles, you don't have to be a registered pastor or prophet for God to use you for his miracles, all you need is believe and faith in God.

Some time last two months ago, my younger brother called me to inform me that my mom’s state of health was very bad, that she was very sick and her health was deteriorating.

As soon as he told me I was afraid, I didn’t want any of my family members to die. I started praying in my heart that nothing happens to her.

Before this time I haven’t prayed physically for any adult for healing, yes I do pray in my closet and God answers me instantly but not for anyone who was sick.

READ:  Prayer Power (Job 14:7-8)

And so, I called my mom’s phone, she sounded very weak and her voice shook. I asked my mom, “Mummy do you still believe in God?” she said yes, I asked her if she believes that God can heal her and she said she believes. And I said, “Mummy in the name of Jesus, receive your healing now” she said amen. I said,

“Mummy you will not die in Jesus name” she said amen. i told her it is well with her, she should go and sleep and worry about nothing.

The next morning I called her and she was already playing with my brother’s daughter. All neck stiffness, pains and sight problems were gone.

After this time, God has used me in many ways to heal my kids and pray for myself and family members which I got instant answers to.

Praise the Lord, God can also heal you, just only believe that He can and you will be cured of all diseases and sickness in Jesus name, amen.

You too can be used by God heal others, just believe and have faith that you can do and God will use you.

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