God's Judgment Against The Rich Oppressors

Category: City Pastor's Teachings


Many rich and wealthy people are wicked and insincere in their dealings with people particularly the poor and needy.

I have seen neighbors that just because they bought a second-hand car become very arrogant to the extent that they oppress their other neighbors who have no car.

The bible has this to say about such people, “What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night, thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out, simply because you have the power to do so” Micah 2:1

READ:  Judgment Day

This wickedness of the wealthy people have been existing from time, that is why we have it stated in the bible several times, God warning the rich that oppresses the poor to be careful because he is the creator of all, both the poor and the rich.

Look at the illustration Jesus Christ gave in the New Testament about the Rich man and Lazarus the beggar. It is a typical example of the kind of way that the rich oppresses the poor.

Some people go through sleepless nights not planning positive things but planning the evil and hurts they will commit against another man; maybe their neighbor, colleague in the office or a relative.
The bible says; the rich oppressors like our political leaders are fond of cheating the poor, seizing their lands when they want it. When they want someone’s house, they take it by fraud and violence. They cheat a man of his property, stealing his family’s inheritance, (Read Micah 2:2) 

READ:  See What Will Happen To The Unrepentant Sinner

“But this is what the Lord says: “I will reward your evil with evil: you won’t be able to pull your neck out of the noose. You will no longer walk around proudly for it will be terrible time” Micah 2:3

Evil people are foolish to think they will be rewarded with good when they do evil! No- God says he will pay you your wickedness and evil doings with evil. He says you will not come out of the troubles He will get you into. Your pride and arrogance will be taken away from you. God says you will be miserable.

This is God’s prophesy about the wicked people and may God’s word come to pass in Jesus name, amen.

READ: Repent From Your Wicked Ways

Note: All quotes are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible except otherwise stated.

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