Judgment For The Wicked Leaders

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

You wicked leaders the only time you remember God is when you are seeking elections into political offices. Then, you run after men of God seeking their prayers to God to help you win.

The truth is that an anointed man of God can pray for anyone and they will receive answer from God what he asks for, but what will sustain that blessing is you keeping the commandments of God. Obeying His instructions and doing what is right.

God says, “Listen you leaders of Israel! (Nigerian leaders) you are supposed to know right from wrong, but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil. You skin my people alive and tear the flesh from their bones” Micah 3: 1-2

READ:  Judgment Day

Yes the word of God is very true, the leaders have the constitution, and they know the laws of the land more than the ordinary people. They know what is wrong from right; they know that it is wrong for them to steal, kill and defraud the nation; they also know that it is right for them to provide good roads, jobs and education for the people but they love evil more than they love good. It is not only the word of God that condemns corruption, even the country’s constitution condemns it, yet it is the same leaders that are corrupt. They steal billions of naira belonging to the people, they kill people and make hard policies deliberately to make the people suffer!

“Yes, you eat my people’s flesh (steal away the natural resources meant for everyone), strip off their skin, and break their bones. You chop them up like meat for the cooking pot” Micah 3:3

After doing all these wickedness, you now go to the house of God to pray and expect God to do wonder when you suddenly become very ill and at the point of your death, but God will not answer your prayer.

READ:  See What Will Happen To The Unrepentant Sinner

Micah 3: 4 says, “Then you beg the Lord for help in times of trouble! Do you really expect him to answer? After all the evil you have done, he won’t even look at you”

Because you hate justice and twist all that is right. You are building the nation on a foundation of murder and corruption. You are building the nation on a foundation of murder and corruption. You make decisions based on bribes (Read Micah 3: 9-10) and God is going to punish you for this.

It is save for you to repent now if you wait until when God’s hands fall upon you, He will not forgive you then because you have caused the death of many, caused many homes to be hungry and killed innocent people.

READ: Repent From Your Wicked Ways

Repent now leaders of Nigeria stop your corruption and killing, God is not pleased with you. I pray God will open your eyes to understand what He is saying before it will be too late for you.

The steps to quickly take now is to declare a total war against corruption and corrupt leaders, if you are in a cabinet of corrupt people and you cannot influence the policies, then run away as fast as you can now because it will affect you all when God’s war starts. Remember God’s words are yea and amen and it must surely come to pass.

Note: All quotes are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible except otherwise stated.

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