Why You Should Not Oppress The Poor and Needy

Category: City Pastor's Teachings


After oppressing the poor and crushing those in need, people still have the heart to go to the house of God to give offerings and offer sacrifices. Isn’t that a waste of precious time and resources?

Okay, you want to know if it is a waste of time or not, then read Amos 4: 4-5 (NLT)

“Go ahead and offer sacrifices at Gilgal (at your church, your places of worship). Offer sacrifices each morning and bring your tithes every three days- present your bread made with yeast as an offering of thanksgiving. Then give your extra voluntary offerings so you can brag about it everywhere! This is the kind of thing you Israelites (you Christians) love to do, “says the Sovereign Lord”

READ: Christianity and Hypocrisy

These offerings you give does not move God, your tithes makes no meaning to Him. They are only acceptable if you are obeying His commandments and instructions; if not all you are doing is just religious exercises.

What will make your offerings and sacrifices acceptable to God is your obedience to His commandments. Abstaining from the things He commands you should not do and do the things He has commanded you to do. Then you will obtain mercy and favor from Him.

Praise God.

Note: All quotes are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible except otherwise stated.

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