God is Doing Something New Today!

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

When you pray to God concerning a thing, particularly if you are praying with conviction and faith that what you are asking God for will be granted you, God answers your prayer that instant you asked.

The fact that what you prayed for a thing and you haven’t seen the manifestation yet does not mean that God has not answered your prayer what it means is that you should be calm and patient to see the manifestation.

If you look at the wind or the things happening around you at a particular time, the chances is that you will doubt and when you doubt like that, it’s like altering what you have prayed for. God is not a man that He should lie and there is nothing He says that will not come to pass. Rather than focus on the negative circumstances, be focused on the promises.

In Habakkuk, the man of God complained to God, asking God how long it would take Him to answer his prayers, he said, “How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But you do not listen! “Violence is everywhere!” I cry, but you do not come to save” Habakkuk 1:2

The writer had been praying to God concerning the violence in his nation. But for long he got no answer from God. After a long time of praying, the Lord answered him saying;

“Look around at the nations, look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it” Habakkuk 1:5

So this is what God is saying pertaining to that prayer request you have been praying to Him for so long. He is saying you will be amazed at what He is going to do for you. He says what He will do; you wouldn’t believe it because of how great it will be. Your mind will not be able to comprehend it because of how awesome it will be.

Have you been praying for long for the fruit of the womb, He says He will bless you with twins.

Are you praying for a breakthrough in your finance and business or career, He says you will receive a financial breakthrough beyond what you have ever imagined. He says you will receive a double promotion at your place of work and your business will begin to flourish.

I pray this morning that God’s words concerning you will begin to manifest in your life from today in Jesus name.

That thing you are trusting God for, you will receive it before the end of this year in Jesus name, amen.

Praise God.

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