Most Nigerian Roads Are Expired – FERMA boss

Category:  Nigeria News

The Federal Road Maintenance Agency has said most Nigeria roads and highways considered death traps over the years have expired and need constant maintenance.

FERMA’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Nuruddeen Rafindadi, disclosed this on Saturday in Kaduna at the 10th Mahmud Armiya’u memorial lecture and presentation of awards, organised by the Kaduna branch of the Nigeria Society of Engineers.

The lecture had as its theme, ‘Topical Issues On Transportation Sector.’

The FERMA boss, while painting the bad state of the nation’s roads and highways, noted that some of the roads were built to last for certain number of years, but had regrettably exceeded their life spans.

Rafindadi, who spoke through the Kaduna Head of FERMA, Atiku Sadiq on the topic, ‘Utilisation of Our Highway Capacity, Prospects and Challenges,’ said, “Most of the nation’s highways have expired.

What we are doing now is managing our expired highways that are supposed to be built to last for 15, 20 and at most, 25 years.

But we are having highways that were built to last for 40, 50 to 60 years.

“We need to devise a way of maintaining our roads, and it requires planning.

“Despite the noticeable benefits of highway development to the socioeconomic and political affluence of Nigeria, and its huge capital investment, highway transportation is still faced with numerous management and operational challenges in the country.

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