Police Arrest Man For Brutal Murder Of Girlfriend

Category: Crime News

Detectives in Kenya have arrested one Thomas Muthee Ng’ang’a suspected to be behind the brutal murder of his girlfriend, Naneu Muthoni on November 14.

Muthoni was found dead in her house, at Onyoka Estate, Lang’ata.

Police believe the suspect masterminded the gruesome murder of his lover whose lifeless body was found sprawled on a sofa, with a deep cut on the forehead and blood oozing from her nose.

“Patterns of blood splatter were also visible on the walls and floor of the one-bedroomed house, which was conclusively documented by detectives drawn from the forensic crime scene investigations unit.”

Ng’ang’a was arrested along the Kenya-Uganda border in Malaba, where he has been hiding since the murder was reported.

“The suspect who had a hunch that detectives were on his trail was drunk to the bone hoping from one drinking den to another in exasperation,” DCI said.

At the time of the suspect’s arrest, some personal effects belonging to the deceased were recovered from him.

The suspect is currently being processed at Malaba Police station before being transferred to Langata police station, where he will be charged with murder.

1 comment:

  1. Why men heart is full of evil like this nah? this is someone you said you love when you met😭😭😭😭


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