No Room For Migrants In New York – Mayor Adams Blows Hot

Category: World News

Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, has declared that “there is no room” for migrants seeking to live in the United States’ most populous city, particularly migrants at the America/Mexico border in El Paso.

Mr Adams was apparently upset with Republican governors sending away busloads of migrants into New York.

He made the statement on Sunday during his visit to the border town where he also criticized President Joe Biden, saying, “Now is the time for the national government to do its job” in dealing with the southern border immigrant situation.

Mr Adams said he would no longer tolerate the shipping of migrants from Republican states into New York City when the city faces an unprecedented housing crisis which has worsened the homelessness statistics.

Mr Adams’ visit to El Paso came after he stated that the migrant inflow into New York might cost the city up to $2 billion at a time when the city is already suffering a significant budget deficit.

In recent months, Republican governors in Florida and Texas have transferred thousands of migrants seeking asylum in the United States to Democratic-controlled cities such as New York, Chicago, and Washington, DC.

1 comment:

  1. How I wish Nigeria can also do something😔😔😔


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