How To Improve Visibility When Driving in Fog

Category: How Tos

How To Improve Visibility When Driving in Fog
When it comes to driving safely from one point to another, it’s no secret that overall visibility is the key to success. Whether you’re driving a route for the first time or know it by heart, being able to see the hazards around you ensures that you can respond accordingly. However, certain weather conditions, like heavy fog, can drastically reduce your visibility in the driver’s seat, leaving you feeling vulnerable. Here, we’ll discuss how to improve visibility when driving in the fog so that you can minimize the risks and keep yourself safe on the road.

Upgrade Your Headlights

If you tend to get a lot of fog in your area, particularly in the mornings or following intense rain storms, upgrading your headlights might be worth your while. LED lights offer superior brightness and reliability, making them a great option for helping you navigate in dense fog and other low-visibility conditions. Best of all, you can upgrade them all on your own. Just make sure that you know a few tips for routing LED lights to ensure that you make the most of this time in your garage.

Use Your Fog Lights

As you drive, consider switching to your fog lights when entering areas with dense perspiration. These lights emit a low, wide beam that’s meant to help you better see the road right in front of the vehicle. This way, you can perceive road hazards much more effectively than you would with your standard or high-beam lights. Many cars also have rear fog lights that can help improve the visibility of the back of your vehicle for other drivers.

Switch to the Low-Beam Setting

Another effective way to improve visibility when driving in fog is to switch on your low-beam lights. When driving in low-visibility conditions, the first instinct for many drivers is to turn on their high-beam lights. But fog isn’t the same as darkness; it’s a concentrated cloud of moisture, and the high-beam lights reflecting off the water particles can actually reduce your vision further. So, it’s vital that you use your low-beam lights instead to reduce the amount of reflectivity you experience.

Remove All Distractions

One of the most important methods for improving visibility is to cut back on distractions in and around your car when driving. When driving in the fog, we need to remain clear-headed and focused. Distractions can reduce our ability to perceive other things around us, increasing the risk of getting into an accident. This is especially true when out in foggy weather. So, turn off your phone, mute the radio, and always keep your attention ahead.

Fog is a common and very dangerous hazard on the roadways, but there’s plenty you can do to help maximize your ability to see in these situations. While you still won’t be able to see as clearly as you would on a standard day, the above tips and tricks can give you an edge when you need it most.

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