Believing in God Almighty

Many people still don’t believe that there will be punishment for their sins. Come on, let me tell you, the reward for sin is now, and not in a later time to come. Unless you repent of all your sins, God says your punishment is starting from now.
“Again a message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, you live among rebels who have eyes but refuse to see. They have ears but refuse to hear. For they are rebellious people” Ezekiel 12: 1-2.
It is very common to hear people now say, “It doesn’t matter”. They commit all kinds of sins and they say it doesn’t matter! Doesn’t it matter truly? They say there is no hell nothing will happen after death. Okay, keep on sinning, continue, don’t change, and use your own hands to destroy yourself.
Hear this: “Again a message came to me from the Lord: Son of man, you’ve heard that proverb hey quote in Israel: ‘Time passes and prophecies come to nothing.’ Tell the people, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will put an end to this proverb, and you will soon stop quoting it.’ Now give them this new proverb to replace the old one. ‘The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled!’ Ezekiel 12: 21-23
Am telling you to watch out, beware, be careful, destruction is at hand, repent and do it fast! Stop cheating, stop adultery, stop fornication, stop gossiping, stop hatred, and stop murdering. Serve God and do all He’s commanded, trust only Him and honor Him in all your doings.
God says from now on, “There will be no more false visions and flattering predictions in Israel (in Nigeria, Lagos, all over the world, individuals, companies, churches) For I am the Lord! If I say it, it will happen. (So if that prophecy is coming from God, it will surely come to pass) There will be no more delays, you rebels of Israel. I will fulfill my threat of destruction in your own life-time. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!” Ezekiel 12: 24-25
No wonder, people are now dying from sexual sins, money rituals are now in rampage using their sex lovers for rituals. Every day we publish news of ritual-killings especially those done through sexual misbehavior.
Then this message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, the people of Israel are saying, ‘He’s talking about the distant future. His visions won’t come true for a long, long, time’. Therefore tell them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: No more delay! I will now do everything I have threatened. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!” Ezekiel 12: 26-28
So let this sink into your heart, before you think God’s prophecy will not come to pass, please repent now, ask God to forgive you all your sins. No one can have a fellowship with God while living in sin and the end of sin is death, eternal death without a hope of living in God’s glory at the end.
CITY Pastor
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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