Does God Give Good and Evil? (Job 1 & 2)

Category: City Pastor's Teachings

A lot of people are quick to blame the devil when some things that are negative happens to them. They don't believe that anything that is not good can come from God. In Job 2:10, after God had held another meeting with 'sons of God', just like in Job chapter one where the 'sons of God' and God held meeting to give accounts of their activities to God, which Satan was also in attendance to give account of his.

Meanwhile his own(Satan) work is to go about the earth, walking up and down it. Of course, seeing activities of each person, so be sure that Satan knows and sees everyone's activities, just as God does.  

God asked Satan if he had noticed His servant, Job, to be a very righteous man and did no evil. 

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But Satan replied to God that, Job had remained faithful and righteous, all because God had blessed him all round. 

Note that, at this time in the world, Job was one of the richest people in the East (Eastern part of the world today could be the Arabs, Eastern Europe).

Imagine someone being one of the richest in this part of the current world. That must be one of the richest in the world too. So that time, Job was very rich and famous in the world.

And so, Satan believed that it was because of his comfort, his wealth, and large family, he had ten children, including males and females that made him to remain faithful to God.

READ: Do Not Test God

Satan told God that he could only judge that Job was a righteous man if he doesn't have all these riches, if he suddenly becomes poor and wretched, he would sin against God. If all he cherished, his children, properties, monies are taken away from him, he would sin like others.

And so, God permitted Satan to take away all the wealth that Job had, including his children, this was in chapter one of Job.

But even with all these, Job refused to dishonor God, he did not sin, this continued into chapter two of Job, where there was another meeting, and Satan now suggested that if Job's health was suddenly taken from him and he becomes sick with different ailments and diseases, he would sin against God and be like others.

Again, God permitted Satan to inflict diseases and sicknesses on Job. 

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*Did you notice that from both chapters one  and two, God actually permitted poverty and diseases/sicknesses on Job?

To buttress my point that it's not only good things that comes from God- in Job 2:10, after Job had been inflicted with sicknesses, diseases, with all his children and wealth taken away from him, his wife mocked him.

She asked if he wasn't tired of trusting God, after losing all he had, including his children. She told him to just curse God and sin and die, instead of wasting his time, trusting God in his hopeless condition, in a situation that looked irredeemable.  Just 'curse God and die', she told him.

READ: False Teaching About Tithing (Part Two)

Look at Job's response to his wife in Job 2:10

"But he said unto her. Thou speaketh as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? 

So God can actually give evil for whatever purpose he chose, to test His children's faith in Him. 

Look at the what the bible say- in all of this did not Job sin with his lip, because he knew that God must had a hand in it.

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