How Grades of Aluminum Blanks Can Impact Your Final Product

How Grades of Aluminum Blanks Can Impact Your Final Product

Aluminum is one of the most popular options for metalworking thanks to its durable, lightweight qualities. However, not all aluminum is created equal—the grade of aluminum blank you choose can significantly affect your product. Read on to find out how grades of aluminum blanks can impact your final product.

Strength and Durability

The grade of aluminum blank you choose can affect the strength and durability of your final product. For example, 3003 aluminum is a common grade for household items due to its strength and corrosion resistance, while 6061 aluminum is popular in industrial applications due to its high tensile strength.

Your product may not require high-strength materials, but you should still carefully consider which blank is right for you.


The aluminum’s grade can also affect the appearance of your final product. Some grades have a dull finish, like 7075 aluminum, while others have a shiny appearance, such as 3003 aluminum. If aesthetics are important for your project, be sure to choose a grade of aluminum that meets your needs.


Aluminum has different levels of machinability, or how easily you can shape it to work with it. For example, 6061 aluminum is known for its excellent machinability, while 2024 aluminum is more difficult to machine due to its high strength. Large, flat sections of a product would not need to be processed. In contrast, consider the machinability of small parts with unique shapes before working with them.

Working With Professionals

If you're unsure which grade of aluminum is best for your project, it may be beneficial to work with a professional. They can help you select the right grade based on your specific needs and provide guidance on the best way to work with the material.

Now that you know how grades of aluminum blanks can impact your final product, consider these factors before selecting a blank to save time and money in the long run.

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