How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 2)

Category: Confessions & Testimonies

I now knew, Linda was dead, but I kept praying, with tears in my heart. I kept begging God for mercy.

I called on two people, two brothers, the sin partner of hers before, because now she’s a new creation, and our brother was there, just looking, wondering if it was possible that Linda was dead.

He insisted, it was not serious. With the four of us, we did all we could to help. Linda was still on my lap. The other brother decided to take her to the hospital but I refused.

I said, Jesus is not going to allow her to die, we argued about taking her to hospital, but I insisted on praying and continued to pray. All of a sudden, the dead body stood up.

My elder brother thought it was spirit; the body stood up and said “I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I am the God of the universe; I am here today in your house because I have a message for you and the church.”

He said, “Philda, take pen, and book, write everything I’m going to say and warn my people.”

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons

So when the Lord Jesus said that, I knew it was God, I took pen (all the pens that I use to study, I went to my study table, collect pen and book).

And I sat down in front of Him, He sat down in the parlor, and said, “As I have told you , I am the Alpha and Omega, I am here in Sierra Leone, now, I am here to deliver my people before my coming”

He said, “The church in Sierra Leone has failed me. He said, “The body of Christ in Sierra Leone is not of me”. He said, “They have divided me and I am one, I am not two” He said. “Tell them, they should come back to me, repent and do what I have told them to do”

He said, “They have failed me, the reason why I entered into the flesh of your sister is because if I should have entered into your flesh, people in the world would have said, it’s normal, that’s why I’m using her to tell the world, that I can use anybody that I want to us, I will use anything I want to use”. He said “I will use a mad man”, He said, “I will use a prostitute, a child that does not have a tooth to tell them that I’m coming, before I come in this land- Sierra Leone.

He said, this is not Linda, He said Linda is in a place where she’s suffering because of the sins she committed. But when she comes back, Philda, encourage her, speak to her of me, and tell her that this body does no longer belong to her. I will use her in the market, I will use her in the house, anywhere she goes, the body now belongs to me. Encourage her!

He said, “There’s a Bishop in our land, that fake Jesus is appearing to”, He said, any Jesus, or anybody that appears to you and say, He is Jesus, He said

Ask him if he’s the Son of God  Let him show you the mark

He said, if he does not have any of those two, he will disappear. He said, no demon dares to say he is the Son of God. He said, He will smote such demon or person to death.

He said Philda, “Look into my eyes and you will see me-Jesus”. He said, “Hold my hand” and I took hold of His hand, and looked into His eyes and brethren, I saw Jesus.

He was crying, He said, “Look at my hands, I died for you, look at my feet, I paid for you, what else must I do to save you?”

He said, “Continue writing” so I left hold of His hand, and I continued to write.

He said, “Any book that is not the Bible, any book that does not conform to the Bible is not of me. And anybody who reads or follows that book, will go straight to hell”. He said, “Tell all those people who believes in those books that they should believe in me, that I am the only way to my Father’s kingdom.

He said, “Philda, I choose Linda since she was in her mother’s womb but Linda is stubborn, she’s so stubborn, but I have come and I’m going to use her.

He said, “Philda, I choose you the day that your mother gave birth to you. I choose you to go out and preach my word”. He said that, “You are working for man, resign from that work and work for me, if not you will call upon me and I will pretend that I don’t know you”

Brethren, I resigned immediately, and when I went to resign, the Human Resource Officer there, told me that God always tell her that I was just waiting there, that one day I will leave them to His work. She said I have no problem, that I should go and do God’s work.

The Lord Jesus said to me, there are only three pastors in the entire Sierra Leone that I recognize. He said, they are the only pastors who are preaching from my heart.

Pastor Francis A.M Mambu of Faith Healing Bible Church, he preaches holiness, that man can never compromise anything holiness. He said, he’s preaching from my heart. He said, “He is my son”
Secondly, Pastor Emeka Mossi, he’s a Nigerian, he’s in charge of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, and the headquarters is in Nigeria. He said, he’s preaching the word from my hear. He’s my son.

Lastly, He said, Pastor Ezekiel Benbasuse of International Church of Salvation, Christ Center Ministry. He said, he’s preaching from my heart, he’s my son. Tell them to go out and tell others, ‘I am coming now’. (Before He will say soon, but when He came to us, He said, “Now!”)

Halleluyah! He said, Holiness Revival Movement is from my heart. He said, everything they do, I am in it. He said, “I am going to use them in these last days before my coming”.

He said, “Tell every pastor, everyone to join them, I am the owner of Holiness Revival Movement”

He said, “I am not a God of anointing oil, I am not a God of handkerchief, I am not a God of soap, I am not a God of water, I am not a God of other things,” He said, “I am Jesus, the Son of God”.

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