How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 5)

Category: Confessions & Testimonies

She began to cry and said, “God have mercy on me for all the evil word I have said against the pastor… forgive me God, please forgive me”

After the message, she testified, and went down on her knees and surrendered her life to Jesus.

Other people trooped inside and gave their lives to Christ. This testimony has turned Sierra Leone upside down for Jesus, Muslims are coming to Jesus, and people are calling over the phone and confessing witchcraft.

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 4)

These pastors that God told us to warn, they rose up against us, and said we are from the underworld, they went to radio, television, me, Sis Linda, Sis Ayo, they say we are witches, we are from the underworld, from the sea, they call us all kinds of names.

We thank God because the scripture is being fulfilled in our lives, after all they said Jesus was using witchcraft to heal the sick, if they call us witches that truly tells us we are of Jesus.

She gave her life to Christ, on Friday night; I saw angels were giving her food to eat.

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 3)

When she was hungry after all those talks, she asked for food and I rushed to make food for her but the food was coming out of her flesh and the Lord Jesus said I should stop giving her the food. He said He will feed her with spiritual food.

I sat and was watching her; many other people were now inside the house. She laid flat, I saw her eating, she was chewing, and she drank water. I did not see the angels, but I saw her doing the actions, after she belched, she said she was full. For three days, she was unable to eat earthly food.

She was just constantly filled, on Monday and Tuesday she started taking water and juice and by Wednesday she started eating normally.

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 2)

Before she gave her life to Christ when the Lord wants to enter her or speak through her she feels pain but on Sunday since she gave her life to Christ she did not feel any pain.

God have transformed my sister. God has transformed my family. Before, we were not best friends, but now we are best friends. We eat together, we sleep together, we discuss together, we share things together, and she’s my friend.


READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons

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