How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 4)

Category: Confessions & Testimonies

These other brothers were singing praise and worship (imagine people who don’t want to praise God in the morning.

When she came back to life, she asked what was happening; she was surprised to see the other brothers praising God.

Then she asked for food, she said she wasn’t feeling normal, and I told her that she would never feel normal again. I told her that the Lord Jesus used her body. She said to me, “if it was you I should understand because you are holy, but me, I am unclean, God cannot use me”.

READ:  How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 3)
I told her that the Lord Jesus said He’s going to use anybody including her and she said, if that’s what He said that she was going to pray. When she went to pray, the Lord Jesus again manifested in her flesh. She now remembers the punishments that she went through, hell and heaven.

As she was speaking, I was writing. The evening hours, during this time, my pastor called me, I have been trying to get him since 6am in the morning.

I told him, “Pastor, God has proved Himself in our house, come”. He thought it was me, but I told him it wasn’t me. I said it’s my sister.

He came and he immediately eh entered (there was bangles, bracelets made with beads on her hands, and she was having false nails).

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 2)

The Lord ministered to him and said he should cut off the beads from Linda’s hands. He instructed me to take a knife and cut the beads off, not knowing that my sister was struggling with the devil, because she carried something that the devil owned. When I cut the bracelet off, she raised her hand and hit the ground.

After five days when she was normal, I asked her why she did what she did and she said, the Lord told her to hit the ground and cause earthquake to happen in the spiritual realm so that those demons that were surrounding the house will enter, but because of the bracelet she was unable to until I cut the bracelet off.

She kept saying what she went through, and the devil was hearing all of that. She said to me, Philda, these false nails in my hands and my feet, the devil is using them to see me. She said, they are mirrors, he’s using them to see everything and hear everything I am saying, please take them off my fingers.”

I cut them off and pleaded for mercy on her behalf. And she said, the devil is no longer seeing her. She continued talking until 4am in the morning. I was writing and my hand was beginning to swell, but my spirit was there to write and so I continued to write.

We slept until 6am and continued, she continued talking. God continued to manifest Himself inside of her. The gift of prophecy began to overtake her.

On that Saturday night, her best friend came to our house; she was there to see the things the Lord was doing. She was amazed and said God is wonderful! At night, the Lord Jesus left her body; this guy thought it was fun, she called her mother and said, “Mama, the thing…”, she called Jesus Christ- the thing! She said, the thing that was happening to Linda has stopped; now she can call to speak to her.

My sister as a baby Christian did not know that it is an offence against God, she laughed. I told her I told her it was wrong, I told her not to call God- a thing!

She looked at wrongfully but didn’t say a word. She went in and slept. Around 4am again, she heard hammer on her head. She thought it was demons (For me I was alert, always with her because I know God was using her).

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons

Immediately she woke up and shouted “Jesus”, she said “I bound every demon that is hitting my head”.

The Lord Jesus said, “Shut up. It is not demon, it is me, today your friend called me a thing and you laughed. After I have showed you my glory, after I took you to heaven and hell, after you have seen how big and great I am, you laughed, I will flog you”.

Brethren, I am not exaggerating in the name of the Lord, I can see my sister being dragged by the angel of the Lord from her room, from the bed to the sitting room. From the sitting room, he was hitting her on the wall, anywhere they hit her, the body will swell, I fell on the ground and begin to cry. I said, “God have mercy, she’s a baby Christian, she does not know anything”

Immediately I said those words with tears, she fell down to the floor. Blood was coming out from her mouth, she was opened, she was crying bitterly, he flesh was scattered. The swelling goes down again.

This her friend that called Jesus- “a thing” (God have mercy) took her bag and ran. We have not seen her since, any time we called her to that house, she refuses, she will say, “me I am a sinner, Jesus is in that house”. She’s no longer friends with Linda.

After they have finished flogging her, Sunday morning, the Lord came again to our house, and gave us instructions what to tell His people. He said, Philda and Brother Charles, I bless you because you have ears to hear me. He said, “Do you love me? He said when the time comes, I will know”

I cried and said, “Jesus give me the grace and mercy that even if I’m going to die, let me still love you.” We continued, we went to church, Pastor Ezekiel Bemba’s ministry, that is where we attend. After, we went for holiness revival meeting.

Linda never liked Pastor Ezekiel before, if she sees his tape, she throws it away. If I put holiness cassette in the DVD, she will say, take it off, if you want to, go and buy yours and watch it, but not on mine.

On that day when we went for Holiness Revival meeting, the Lord spoke to her, saying “ I am going to show you my son, follow him”

She said, “Fifi, Jesus said He’s going to show me His son”. I said, listen, He’s going to show you. I sat close to her, immediately they played the cassette for us, she turned and said, “This is my son”, she pointed to Pastor Ezekiel and said, Jesus said, this is my son.

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