How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 3)

Category: Confessions & Testimonies

He said, anybody who uses these things is not of me, and I am not of him. I am not in them, pray for yourselves. Whosoever calls upon me, I will answer.

He said, these pastors, many of them are anointed by Satan himself. Some of them I called them, but they have turned their backs on me. He said, “warn them, or else I will close the gate of grace over their lives. I will trample upon them before my coming. I will raise my children and put them down underneath my children”

He said, “Some of you are sending my children to hell”. He said, “The reason why I said so, you have ignite pride inside of them.” He said, some of you don’t believe that if you pray I will answer you except pastors lay hands upon you. He said, in the morning, in the day and in the night, some of you will just troop into their houses. He said by doing that you send them to hell. He said they will have pride and they will turn on me. He said, whosoever doeth that I will punish him.

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons (Part 2)

He said, these men of God, are not of Him.

One of the brother’s that was close to the Lord Jesus, tried to pet Him (you know when somebody is crying, you want to pet the person), He said to him- you cannot pet me, unless you do my work. He tried to wipe His tears because he was crying bitterly, He said, “I am Jesus, you cant wipe my tears, except you do my work”.

Brethren, the human snort is yellowish, the one from the Lord Jesus when He entered my elder sister was sky-blue. (I’m not exaggerating). I saw it- sky-blue. This brother took cloth to wipe the nose of our Lord Jesus and this snort will not come out, only stops on the nose, but was moving- I saw it!

He tried to wipe the nose- He said, I have warned you, this is not Linda, I am Jesus, the Son of God. If you want to wipe my nose, do my work. Tell my people that I am coming, tell them that I am coming. Warn them because my coming is now.

He said, if these pastors do not turn away from their wicked ways, I will trample upon them before I come. He said Philda, I am now with you people in your house. He said, the devil has released thousands of demons to destroy this testimony. He said, but I am with you, anywhere you go. Speak my word, I am with you.

He said to us, ‘I take pleasure of being with you in your house, this morning’. Halleluiah!

The Lord takes pleasure when we believe in Him, when we honor Him, Jesus is honored, He loves us so much, let us live for Him.

In the evening, when the Lord Jesus said this, He said to me, I am going to leave you people now, He said, “Stand up, let me bless every one of you”.

READ: How My Sister Died and Went to Hell, Her Encounter With Demons

We stood up, and He stood in the dead body, He said, I want to pray for your elder sister that is in the States, He said she’s tormented, He said, I am going to hold you and use you to pray for her and she will become calm.

He said, “Hold my hands again, for the second time” I held His hand, immediately I touched His hands, it’s not like the hand I use to touch, my elder sister.

It was white, cold, and was extraordinarily soft. I feel cold, I was panicked. He said to me, Philda, “Steady your faith” and I became calm.

He prayed for my sister when He was praying, I didn’t feel like I am the one, I feel different.

After He let go of my hand, our elder sister called. And she said she was being tormented, but now she feels peace in her heart.

And the Lord Jesus said, ask her of what she wants me to do for her. And I said, “Lillian, Jesus said, to ask you what you want Him to do for you?

She said, I want to know Jesus, I want my daughter to know Jesus, she said, this is my only request. I saw Jesus was smiling and He said, “Because of this, I will show myself to her in America”.

He said, “I am the God of the universe, America is my footstone and then He stood up and blessed each and every one of us.

Before this time again, my elder brother who our sister called before calling me, never believed that Jesus is the one speaking because he knew Linda, she cannot do morning devotion, she cannot study the Bible before, she cannot do those things. So when the flesh was talking, he thought it was still Linda and so was sleeping.

The Lord Jesus said, “Wake him up”

When I tapped him, I told him, the Lord Jesus is calling you, when he turned; the Lord Jesus exposed his secrets that nobody knew of, only him and God. He began to cry, as we are talking now, he’s a saved born-again Christian.

He cried and said, “Lord have mercy, I thought it was Linda, the Lord Jesus then blessed us, every one of us that were there, everything that was hidden, the Lord told everyone of us.

The other brother did not believe, he has unbelief, the Lord Jesus spoke to him and everybody in the house became saved.

The Lord Jesus stood in the flesh of our sister, just like He was talking to His disciples in the days of the old. When He came out of our sister’s body, you will see white shadow going up in the cloud and empty corpse of Linda fell down.

And one of our brothers rushed to hold her so she won’t hit her head on the floor. After fifteen minutes, I was praising God, I was in tears, I was in joy, she begin to shiver, she was shouting, “I’m feeling cold- I’m feeling cold”

We used four blankets to cover her, to no avail. The ground was shaking, the chairs, everybody was freezing. I was crying and praising God.

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