So Your Pastor Can Actually Take A Part of Your Offering (Leviticus 7)

There's been lots of controversies over church-offerings and why pastors or men of God takes part of the offering.

The offering given by an individual to the church is meant for;

1- God

2- The pastors

Since in our present day, the Lord through Jesus Christ abolished the old doctrine of sacrifice, when at the time the offering people give to God in form of animals parts are usually burnt to the Lord while the other part belongs to the priest (pastor) who took the offering for the Lord. 

In our present day the offering giving, the larger part just like in the old testament should go to God, which will be used in building/developing the house of God, like evangelism, social welfare etc.

Leviticus 7:1

"These are the instructions for the guilt (sin, cheating etc) offering, it is most holy. (So your offering is not a waste, it is holy and should be treated as such). 

Leviticus 7: 2-6, The animal sacrifices as a guilt offering must be slaughtered at the place where the burnt offerings are slaughtered, and it's blood must be splattered against all sides of the altar, including the fat of the broad tail, the fat around the internal organs, the two kidneys and the fat around them near the loins, and the two kidneys and the long lobe of the liver. These are to be removed with the kidneys, and the priests will burn them on the altar as special gift presented to the Lord.

Now let me explain this verse 2 to 6; When you give an offering, remember it is holy, when it is holy, then it must be the best you can give God.

If you are used to buying diary products you will notice that the kidneys, liver, and those inner parts of the animals that God instructed that be given to Him when you give your offering are usually more expensive in the market and are more nutritious in fact when you eat them. 

So, when you have to give to God, give good offering, it's not a sin to give.

Now in verse six of Leviticus 7, the bible says, "All males from the priests family may eat the meat." 

That means, the priest can take part of the offering, given to the church.

See this verse 7: The same instructions apply to the guilt offering and sin offering. Both belong to the priest who uses them to purify someone making the offering, and as such the person becomes right with the Lord.

So, the priest (pastor) can actually take a part of the offering (Read up to verse 10).

The part of offering that belongs to the pastor (Leviticus 7:29)

"Give the following instructions to the people....). When you present a peace offering to me the Lord, bring part of it as a gift to the Lord.

The offering is shared into two parts- a part for God, the other for the pastor.

You must present your offering with your own hand.

Leviticus 7:30, Present it to the Lord with your own hands as a special gift to the Lord. Bring the fat of the animal together with the breast and and lift the breast as a special offering to the Lord. 

That means your offering MUST be presented in the House of God (church).

Then the priest (pastor) will burn the fat of the anima together with the breast and lift up the breast as a special gift to the Lord.- Leviticus 7:31 (The pastor should take the best part of the offering for the work of God, like evangelism, building the church and giving to the needy).

The the priest will burn the fat on the altar, but the breast will belong to Aaron (pastors), and his descendants(workers, family, other junior pastors, ministers etc).

Why You Should Stop Insulting Your Pastors For Using Part of The Offering 

God in verse 34 of Leviticus 7 says, "For I have reserved the breast of the special offering and the right thigh of the sacred offering for the priests (pastors).

It is a permanent right of Aaron(pastors) to share in the peace offerings brought by the people (7:34b)

Leviticus 7:35, "This is their rightful share. The special gifts presented to the Lord have been reserved for Aaron (pastors) and his descendants (other pastors) from the time they were set apart to serve Lord as priests (pastors). 

What A Pastor Should Know (Leviticus 6:19-20)

All parts of the offering belonging to God must be completely used for God's work only. And this is why pastors who knows what they are doing are placed on salary by the church.


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