Warnings From Jesus, Economic Collapse, Judgement Of America (Part One)

Many people are receiving dreams, visions, and prophecies about the imminent judgment and destruction of America. Here are a few of the more detailed and sobering warnings about what is now upon us all. Please take them seriously.

Wake up to the truth my friends, the 'wolves in sheep's clothing' Jesus warned us about are in the churches. They slander and call false the few courageous prophets out there warning people to repent. They do not want to give up the violence and perversion of Hollywood entertainment they should be telling their congregations to come away from. Those watching TV and movies are being infiltrated and possessed by demons. It is idolatry of the foulest nature and it is an abomination to God.

Jesus does not save people who refuse to quit sinning. To repent and quit sinning is called the narrow way and few are on it. Those lost in sin will be easily deceived and hypnotized by the Antichrist. The clergy will say it is okay to take the mark of the beast in order to feed your families. Because of sin, deceiving spirits and false miracles will fill the churches and multitudes of Christians, who were erroneously taught they are saved by grace alone, will in fact, lose their souls.

Remember our Lord's warning, "Were it possible, even the very elect would be deceived", and from Matthew 7... "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Pastor TD Hale sees Obama's 2012 win in Dec 2011.

I saw the president of United States, President Obama, standing on the balcony and I saw in his hands a shotgun. All of a sudden, to my left hand side I heard a loud scream, real loud. When I turned my head to see where the scream was coming from I saw flying high in the air was a majestic eagle flying in the air around Washington DC. I knew that scream. I knew it was an eagle.

I saw all of a sudden the president of United States point that shotgun and shot that eagle dead and it fell to the ground. When it did I looked back up at him and he just had a smile on his face like a smirk. And these were the words I heard in the dream, “I’ve done it and I won’t have to deal with this in my administration.”

Then there was dead silence. Then I heard a voice say “Tell the people that this is my will, that this is my hand, this is the hand of the Almighty both upon the generation of the righteous and the cursed. The righteous will find their way and will know what to do. The cursed will wander around with no compass because the cup is full.”

All of a sudden, things changed in the dream and I began to hear a voice, the voice of God. I saw in front of me a very old antique table. I knew there had been documents signed on this table, special documents. I am hesitant to say this but I saw a voting ballot laying there on the table.

As I looked at the ballot I saw two names on it. I saw the President’s name and I saw Mitt Romney’s name on it. Then all of a sudden I looked and I saw the president of United States name check marked. I knew then what that meant. I looked at the ballot and I saw written on the ballot, “This is the will of the Lord.” Then I woke up.

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