Hard Work And Focus Are The Prerequisites To Success
City Pastor's Teachings
Before you can achieve success in any field of endeavor in life, you must be hardworking and have a total commitment to your goals and dreams.
For you to achieve greatness, you must be committed to, and focused on your goals and dreams, be it a career, talent or business.
I am not just saying this because I don’t want you to believe the Prosperity Preachers; no I am telling you this so that when a prosperity preacher tells you that you will become rich by December and you have faith that it will happen yet you don’t have anything you are doing right now, then you’d better watch out!
After you have received your prophecy for greatness, you must be deliberately hardworking and focused on your goals, dreams, career, business or even a talent for that prophecy to come true.
Even Jesus Christ the “Master of Prosperity Teachers” affirmed this in the Book of Matthew 8: 19-22 when “One of the teachers of religious law said to him (Jesus), “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go” (8:19)
He wanted to follow Jesus to learn the skills of leadership, preaching and miracle. Even though he was already a religious teacher, he wanted to learn from Jesus so that he can also expand his own ministry. Remember Jesus was having dedicated followers running into thousands of people, sometimes tens of thousands. Even in our present world, hardly would you see a preacher with such followers has Jesus had.
But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head” (8:20)
Do you think Jesus couldn’t have afforded to rent a house? That’s not true, he was a rich man, remember his father, Joseph was a Carpenter; Carpenters those days were highly respected in the society, they were rich people, in fact unlike now, some historians says Carpentry at the time of Jesus was a learned profession.
Jesus too was a Carpenter so he had money, and even if he doesn’t, he could have gotten money from his father or from those people he preached to or those he healed of bad diseases who would have been very glad to give him money or house to sleep.
But Jesus was so busy preaching, healing and delivering people from oppression that he hardly had time to sleep. He slept wherever his preaching takes him, sometimes for days he doesn’t sleep, he travels on water to preach for days and go hungry for days just to establish his ministry.
And Jesus was a very successful preacher, teacher and miracle performer with great followers among which were the founders of the first churches on earth.
For you to be successful you must sometimes skip your sleep to work in the night, read and study at nights.
Sometimes you go hungry for days, and in fact you need to learn to fast too as a Christian. Hardworking is a key!
Another factor we must look at from this story of Jesus is commitment or focus. In verse 21-22 of Matthew 8. “Another of his disciples said, “Lord, first let me return home and bury my father. “But Jesus told him, “Follow me now. Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead”
I have heard many people give various explanations to this verse. What Jesus is saying here is that you should be focused on what you are doing, avoid distractions.
The disciple who came to Jesus to ask this permission did it genuinely, but Jesus knows that it was a distraction.
Let’s say for instance by the time he gets to the burial, an uncle of his may decide to take him away to another town, now that his father was dead so that he can take care of him. He might have got involved in one thing or the other that might have stopped him from returning to Jesus.
That is genuine distraction like many of us have. We get distracted by situations we say "it's not our fault". If for instance I started a business and I was expecting it to grow into millions within a period and I haven’t seen anything, I may become discouraged or distracted. Some other ways of being distracted is by not getting results from your talents, maybe as an artiste you have not gotten a label to sign you, you become discouraged and want to go into yahoo-yahoo business or even robbery.
Stay focused and committed to your dream, that disciple we talked about earlier, I am sure is one of the founders of the early churches we had. If he had left that day maybe we won’t have those early churches, only God knows!
Jesus said, be focused! For you to achieve success you must be hardworking and determined to succeed, be focused on your dreams, and always ask God to help you, and you will succeed.
God bless you.
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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Before you can achieve success in any field of endeavor in life, you must be hardworking and have a total commitment to your goals and dreams.
For you to achieve greatness, you must be committed to, and focused on your goals and dreams, be it a career, talent or business.
I am not just saying this because I don’t want you to believe the Prosperity Preachers; no I am telling you this so that when a prosperity preacher tells you that you will become rich by December and you have faith that it will happen yet you don’t have anything you are doing right now, then you’d better watch out!
After you have received your prophecy for greatness, you must be deliberately hardworking and focused on your goals, dreams, career, business or even a talent for that prophecy to come true.
Even Jesus Christ the “Master of Prosperity Teachers” affirmed this in the Book of Matthew 8: 19-22 when “One of the teachers of religious law said to him (Jesus), “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go” (8:19)
He wanted to follow Jesus to learn the skills of leadership, preaching and miracle. Even though he was already a religious teacher, he wanted to learn from Jesus so that he can also expand his own ministry. Remember Jesus was having dedicated followers running into thousands of people, sometimes tens of thousands. Even in our present world, hardly would you see a preacher with such followers has Jesus had.
But Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head” (8:20)
Do you think Jesus couldn’t have afforded to rent a house? That’s not true, he was a rich man, remember his father, Joseph was a Carpenter; Carpenters those days were highly respected in the society, they were rich people, in fact unlike now, some historians says Carpentry at the time of Jesus was a learned profession.
Jesus too was a Carpenter so he had money, and even if he doesn’t, he could have gotten money from his father or from those people he preached to or those he healed of bad diseases who would have been very glad to give him money or house to sleep.
But Jesus was so busy preaching, healing and delivering people from oppression that he hardly had time to sleep. He slept wherever his preaching takes him, sometimes for days he doesn’t sleep, he travels on water to preach for days and go hungry for days just to establish his ministry.
And Jesus was a very successful preacher, teacher and miracle performer with great followers among which were the founders of the first churches on earth.
For you to be successful you must sometimes skip your sleep to work in the night, read and study at nights.
Sometimes you go hungry for days, and in fact you need to learn to fast too as a Christian. Hardworking is a key!
Another factor we must look at from this story of Jesus is commitment or focus. In verse 21-22 of Matthew 8. “Another of his disciples said, “Lord, first let me return home and bury my father. “But Jesus told him, “Follow me now. Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead”
I have heard many people give various explanations to this verse. What Jesus is saying here is that you should be focused on what you are doing, avoid distractions.
The disciple who came to Jesus to ask this permission did it genuinely, but Jesus knows that it was a distraction.
Let’s say for instance by the time he gets to the burial, an uncle of his may decide to take him away to another town, now that his father was dead so that he can take care of him. He might have got involved in one thing or the other that might have stopped him from returning to Jesus.
That is genuine distraction like many of us have. We get distracted by situations we say "it's not our fault". If for instance I started a business and I was expecting it to grow into millions within a period and I haven’t seen anything, I may become discouraged or distracted. Some other ways of being distracted is by not getting results from your talents, maybe as an artiste you have not gotten a label to sign you, you become discouraged and want to go into yahoo-yahoo business or even robbery.
Stay focused and committed to your dream, that disciple we talked about earlier, I am sure is one of the founders of the early churches we had. If he had left that day maybe we won’t have those early churches, only God knows!
Jesus said, be focused! For you to achieve success you must be hardworking and determined to succeed, be focused on your dreams, and always ask God to help you, and you will succeed.
God bless you.
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
For more information and advert enquiry, please Contact: citipastor@gmail.com
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