More Pastors will Spring Up

I have heard lots of people discussing and complaining about the increase in
the number of pastors in the world today. Maybe I have joined in such
conversations in the past too.
But after studying this portion of the bible I discovered that many more pastors will spring up because there’s still so much work to be done before the coming of the groom.
Look at the story in Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogue and announcing the Good News about the kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness.
Just the same way God is working today, through His prophets to heal people and deliver many oppressed.
In verse 36 of Matthew 9, when he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Okay, you will understand it now, the reason why Jesus had compassion on these people was because they were confused and helpless.
Many people in the world today are confused and helpless just like in the time of Jesus. Poverty is everywhere, no jobs, people are suffering, marriages are failing, children duping their parents, friends cheating friends, people using others for money rituals, and Government not doing anything to help the masses. Yes, there is confusion everywhere and people are helpless!
Take a look at this and you will understand why many more pastors will spring up: Matthew 9: 37, He(Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, (the people to be saved from oppression, poverty, confusion, helplessness and hopelessness are many) but the workers (pastors, evangelists, bishops, prophets and teachers) are few.
Don’t forget that from this study the duties of men of God are to save people who are confused and helpless.
Possibly, the “confused and helpless people” in the world today are up to or more than 75% of the world’s population. How many pastors do you think will be too much to guide, counsel, teach and prophecy on these great number of people?
Jesus concluded by telling his disciples in verse 38, “So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest (people); ask Him to send more workers into His fields”
This prayer was prayed long ago by the disciples of Jesus, today many great men of God are still praying the same prayer. So in the same manner that many apostles sprang up after the disciples prayed to God for more workers, is the same way that many pastors are springing up in the world today to help the helpless and guide the confused, through the word of God.
You too can be that great man of God, all you need to do is to pray to Him for guide and be willing to be committed to His work.
God bless you.
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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But after studying this portion of the bible I discovered that many more pastors will spring up because there’s still so much work to be done before the coming of the groom.
Look at the story in Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogue and announcing the Good News about the kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness.
Just the same way God is working today, through His prophets to heal people and deliver many oppressed.
In verse 36 of Matthew 9, when he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Okay, you will understand it now, the reason why Jesus had compassion on these people was because they were confused and helpless.
Many people in the world today are confused and helpless just like in the time of Jesus. Poverty is everywhere, no jobs, people are suffering, marriages are failing, children duping their parents, friends cheating friends, people using others for money rituals, and Government not doing anything to help the masses. Yes, there is confusion everywhere and people are helpless!
Take a look at this and you will understand why many more pastors will spring up: Matthew 9: 37, He(Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, (the people to be saved from oppression, poverty, confusion, helplessness and hopelessness are many) but the workers (pastors, evangelists, bishops, prophets and teachers) are few.
Don’t forget that from this study the duties of men of God are to save people who are confused and helpless.
Possibly, the “confused and helpless people” in the world today are up to or more than 75% of the world’s population. How many pastors do you think will be too much to guide, counsel, teach and prophecy on these great number of people?
Jesus concluded by telling his disciples in verse 38, “So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest (people); ask Him to send more workers into His fields”
This prayer was prayed long ago by the disciples of Jesus, today many great men of God are still praying the same prayer. So in the same manner that many apostles sprang up after the disciples prayed to God for more workers, is the same way that many pastors are springing up in the world today to help the helpless and guide the confused, through the word of God.
You too can be that great man of God, all you need to do is to pray to Him for guide and be willing to be committed to His work.
God bless you.
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
For more information and sponsor enquiry of the CITY Pastor’s Ministry, please Contact:
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