Narrow Is The Way To Success

City Pastor's Teachings
Lord please give us understanding to know the true meaning of Your words in Jesus name, amen.
The way to success, the way to heaven, the way to God is not a wide way. It has no many options; it is not only narrow but also difficult.
Why are many people not successful? Let me first tell you that success is not the money or wealth that you have. Success is success in all aspects of your life; your wealth, family and finance.
Many people are not successful because they find it difficult to go through the process involved in achieving success, because it is a very narrow way which is also very difficult to pass through. Remember the narrower the gate, the more the difficult it is to pass through it.
Just like in written examinations a lot of people prefers the one with objectives because it gives you options to choose from and even if you get to fail the answer you would have at least not left your answer booklet empty unlike the case of essay questions where you are left without an option, many people would submit their answer booklet empty.
Because God is Holy, He is unable to do with dirty things that is His reasons for making the way to life difficult and with only one option.
On the other hand, the way to doom, the road to hell is very wide it is an expressway with options. You can pick from so many things or even do all of them. But the way to success, the way to life is one way- through Christ, through the Almighty God.
The way to God is very difficult just as success is difficult but it is attainable.
People fail to achieve success and also fail to gain eternity with God because of the difficulty involved in achieving it. Many people wish to, they see others succeed, they want to be like them but because of the difficulty, they give up and take the other many options.
There are lots of distractions and temptations on the way to success and achieving a happy eternity. Success in life is synonymous to heaven.
And that is why I said success is not the amount of money you have been able to amass, but the wealth you amassed plus how positively you have contributed to your community, your environment, your country and your world.
Because it is what you do on this earth that will transform to what you will eventually be in eternity.
Narrow is the way to life not wide. The bible says in Matthew 7:13-14, “You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.”
Wide things can contain many things- juju, rituals, stealing, lying, prostitution, advanced fee fraud etc.; you add all of them together to derive success; that success leads you to eternal damnation. Because anyone who kills will go to hell, anyone who steals will go to hell and fornicators and adulterers will also go to hell if they don’t repent.
Have you heard any evil or devil telling you that devil is in heaven? Yet you know there is devil, and you know there is evil and yet you argue about eternity. Let me tell you- there is Heaven and there is Hell
And after you have achieved your success in your evil way here on earth, you are unhappy here on earth and yet you are still going to suffer in hell. There is no murderer that is happy even when they appear to be. They have nightmares of lives they have taken no matter how high they may try to get.
How can you even be happy when you have mansions, jets and women all around and yet you have health issues, career problems and bankruptcy, or law enforcement running after you everywhere?
If all you have is those material possessions, mansions, jets, cars etc. but you don’t have peace, you are always having health issues, marital problems, problems with people, and then you don’t have success.
Success is success and it must be all round for it to be success. But narrow is the way to achieving it- only one way- through God, through Christ. When you are in Christ you keep all of God’s commandments which will exclude all the wide way things!
You will achieve success in Jesus name. The bible says only a few will find it- you will be one of those few in Jesus name, amen.
God bless you.
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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