Policewoman Cries Out After Being Detained For Resigning

Category: Nigeria News

Nigerian police officer, Fauzziyah Isiak, has cried out for help, accusing the police of detaining and manhandling her following her resignation from the force.

“I never saw this coming. I have never thought I’ll be put in detention without interrogation. All I did was try to resign,” Ms Isiak lamented. “I have been trying to resign from the police since last year but my letters were not approved.”

She added, “My boss had called me to show up yesterday 24th of May to meet the deputy commissioner for an interview. I thought they were finally going to approve my resignation, but the only words I heard was that I should be detained to be tried and dismissed.”

Benjamin Hundeyin, spokesman for the police in Lagos, reacting to Ms Isiak’s tweet, said, “It is one thing to turn in your resignation. It is another thing for the application to be processed, upon which you receive your discharge certificate.”

Mr Hundeyin explained that “till you get the discharge certificate, you remain a serving member of the force, bound by all extant rules and regulations of service.”

The police spokesman claimed that Ms Isiak was detained and tried for absconding from duty.

“Corporal Fauzziyah Isiak, who serves in the office of the imam of the command, without leave, permission or discharge from service, absconded from duty for over a month, in flagrant disregard for the conditions of service she willingly signed to,” stated Mr Hundeyin.

“For this offence against discipline, she was detained yesterday for the commencement of her orderly room trial today.”

1 comment:

  1. That's a breach of your fundamental human rights.... although I don't know what the police act says concerning such..... We would fight it for you if you approach us


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