Righteous Shall Flourish (III)

By Archbishop Benson Idahosa
...and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
We serve a full God. I’m a child of the God of fullness, full in health, full in job, full in prosperity, full in abundance, full of miracle, full of surprises, full in whatever I lay my hands to do. That God may fill your heart with the fullness of God.
So I took my name out of the list of those who have nothing. First of all I understood for the first time 17 years ago when I read in the bible that Christ may dwell in my heart and not poverty to dwell in my heart.
Where there’s no Christ there are crisis, but where there’s Christ, there’s no crisis. That Christ may dwell in my own heart. So I said all the poverty that I have been thinking where has it come from? Not from God!
God never tell you; you are going to be sick. God never tell you, you are going to be down. God never tell you; you are going to be weak, and God never tell you that.
The bible says every good and perfect gift come from God- the Father of light, every gift, every perfect gift, if it’s good and perfect, is a gift.
Many times, I ask myself why American preachers always put ‘Don’t Copy’ in their tapes, because they are afraid that when you know it, they will not have any more. If your anointing is big, you will not be afraid of somebody touching you. It’s because the one you have is so small you believe when I touch you, I am going to take all, that’s why you come from the backstage before they know you already sneaked out!
And yet we have not a high priest that cannot be touched. Our high priest can be touched- halleluiah!
I am glad that God is touching you today! Wherever you are right now, God is touching you right now; He’s touching to meet your needs. That Christ may dwell in your heart. Say Jesus is dwelling in me!
The bible says that Christ may dwell in your heart. Do you know that Christ in you is not poor? You know the Christ in you is not down? The Christ in you is not sick! The Christ in you is well. Jesus in you have life abundantly!
If the God I am talking about is the one you know, Jesus dwells in me, where is the room for poverty? God cannot share His throne with two kings. And your heart is not big enough to occupy devil and Christ- halleluiah!
Your heart is not big enough to contain God and contain the devil. Your heart is not large enough to carry Jesus and carry poverty.
The first thing Jesus does when he enters a man’s heart is to sweep it clean.
Say, ‘I am clean by His blood. I am made whole by His blood; I am a new creation by His blood’- Halleluiah!
Then I found that the bible says, Christ can dwell in me by faith, and I said poverty- get out of my heart. Then the Lord told me I am going to teach you how to talk. So, every time I want to say a doubtful thing, He say- push it back, that’s not from me.
Psalms 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” Halleluiah!
How many days of your life? - All. How many days of the month? - All of it. How many days of the week-all! Halleluiah
All the days of my life- goodness, mercy, shall follow me, all the days of my life! So I said, God I hear you. But I said, how can I do it? You’ve told me not to worry about prosperity, you told me that if I plant my seed, I will reap harvest, you told me if I seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, all other things shall be added.
I became a child of addition and no more a child of subtraction. I began to teach my children- you are the head and not the tail, you are first in the class, and my children are all straight “A” students. Where will they get the poor brain from? I’m smart, their mother is smart, and God is smart- halleluiah!
My son won ‘Who is who" among "who is who in American High School", my daughter has just won ‘Who is who" among "who is who in American High School". All my children are among "who is who" so their father must be ‘Who is who."
So, I said God how do I do the impossible? Listen to what God told me.
I didn’t believe that prosperity can have a beginning, I didn’t know, I thought it was just for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and perhaps for the old man- Haggins or the Canaanites- no
He said “Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” Ephesians 3:20
So, God told me that the solution is in your asking or thinking. God is able to do, I thought it was me, I didn’t know it was God.
Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit- halleluiah!
“Unto Him that is able to do” and so I asked God what you mean, and He said, give it unto me that is able to do. So that’s not my Father in this world, it’s my Father in heaven; unto Him you have no right to be poor. God is able to do.
The Lord said to me- set goals and let me do it. Dream big dreams!
Somebody asked me in Tampa, he said, “How do you prosper with $1?” and I said $1 in a small hand passed to a big hand with a big mouth of faith in a big God of blessings.
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