Why Women Serve God Better Than Men

Women serves the Lord better than men; many women who serve the Lord are truly devoted to their service of the Lord, some notable women with achievements for serving the Lord in the Bible include:

1. Junia: there are many examples of women who served God as leaders in the New Testament church, teaching God’s truth and serving His church. The most imminent woman was Junia. In Romans 16: 7, Paul wrote “Greet Andronicus and Junia my fellow Jews, who were in prison with me. They are highly respected among the apostles and became followers of Christ before I did”

2. Phoebe: In Romans 16:1-2, Phoebe was described as a woman. During the winter of 55-56AD Paul dictated the Book of Romans to Tertius (Romans 16:22) and sent the epistle by Phoebe, who traveled over 800miles to Rome. Paul begins chapter 16 with an introduction of Phoebe “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon in the church in Cenchrea. Cenchrea is a port city very near Corinth. A sea voyage from there to Rome would be well over 800miles. For Phoebe to be traveling alone, by ship this great distance carrying this letter from Paul, proves that she was a woman of considerable faith, responsibility, and bravery. Paul continues, “Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many and especially to me” This tells us that she would need help from the Christians at Rome in accomplishing the matter that caused her trip to Rome. She is in Rome apparently on church business, and carries the letter from Paul as her introduction to the church there. This brave woman of some authority has protected many and helped fund Paul and others. Paul could not make enough funds to pay for his long journeys; this capable woman minister was supplying some of the money Paul needed! And at this time protection too, was also often bought with money. Phoebe was a brave servant/minister and a wealthy protector of the brethren.

3. Nympha: Another woman leader was Nympha who had a church meeting in her home that was in Greek. Colossians 4:15 “Please give my greetings to our brothers and sisters at Laodicea and Hierapolis”. Nympha is the only leader in Laodicea greeted by name. She is the most likely author of the letter from that church, and must have led the church meeting in her home.

4. Another woman minister leading a house church is the woman John addressed in 2 John. The letter that became the book of 2 John was written to a female church leader during a time of great persecution for the church leadership and is sent as a warning about “many deceivers” who are coming to her area. John sends his brief letter to warn her about these deceivers. Due to dangerous times, there is not a single name in the entire letter; neither her name nor the exact location of her house church. She is addressed as “chosen” a title expressive of respect and reverence a high position and great authority. The feminine form is used only in 2 John. This very popular woman was respected and loved by all true believers, “all who know the truth” but her fame created danger for her just as it had for Paul. Both were leaders whom the authorities would like to arrest and kill!

5. Priscilla: was such an active part of a husband and wife team that she is mentioned first before Aquila in all the best manuscripts. Priscilla and her husband accomplished Paul on a missionary journey to Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila to evangelize. We learn in Romans 16:5 that Priscilla and Aquila had a church meeting in their home, so Apollos may well have learned the way of God more adequately during church services

6. Deborah: a mother in Israel led an entire nation, Judges 4. She publicly sang an entire chapter of the Bible! Deborah was a prophetess, the second highest calling in spiritual gifts!

7. Huldah- a prophetess, King Josiah sent his high priest to Huldah to ask about God’s exact words just as they had been given to her. See 2 Kings 22:14 and 2 Chronicles 34: 20-28

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