Why You Should Always Be Encouraged!

When you have faith, you have courage to do the things you want to do. I noticed Jesus used the phrase “Be encouraged” often when he wants to heal people. In Matthew 9:2, he told the paralyzed man, “Be encouraged” and in Matthew 9: 22, he said to the woman with the issue of blood, “Be encouraged”

What is courage? Longman defines courage as, “the quality of being brave when you are in danger, in pain, in a difficult situation etc.

When you are down and you have nothing to look onto; have faith in God, His word says if He could provide for birds that have no house, that doesn’t farm nor harvest, how much more would He provide for you who He has made in His own image.

Someone was chatting with me on Facebook yesterday and he said he was sad, when I asked why he was sad, he said because of poverty. I told him to be grateful to God, if he sees people living in poverty; such people don’t have handsets, not to talk of using an internet service to browse the Facebook!

When you find yourself in a difficult situation like ill-health, financial set-back, and even stagnation, all you need is God. Put all your trust and hope in Him. When you put all your trust in Him, He will say to you, “Be encouraged”

In Matthew 9: 20-21, “Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, “If I can touch his robe, I will be healed”

Like many who have been suffering one thing or the other, be it financial set-backs, ill-health etc., twelve years is a very long time to suffer set-back or ill-health. Many would have lost hope and given up. The reason why some people commit suicide is because they have given up all hope. But this woman with the issue of blood did not give up.

Maybe you have been unemployed for years and you think you will never be employed, why think like an unbeliever? Don’t lose courage, be encouraged, put all your trust in God, do your best like the woman in this story.

If you are looking for job, keep on submitting your CV, if you have a talent, keep harnessing it, and leave everything to God after you have done your best. Refuse to be lazy, reject negative thoughts, and stay steadfast to your dreams.

Jesus turned around and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment” Matthew 9: 23

Praise the Lord!

Are you suffering any ailment, set-back in career and business, maybe you are over 30 years and not married and you are losing hope, Jesus says, “Be encouraged”

Don’t lose courage, concentrate on God and focus on what you are doing. Your breakthrough is just by the corner, you will breakthrough in Jesus name. God will touch every need, every area of your life, all aspects of your life that needs perfection. It is well with you in Jesus name, amen.

God bless you.

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.

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