Wuhan Citizen Journalist Who Documented Covid Outbreak Released After Three Years Detention

Category: World News

Fang Bin, a retailer turned citizen journalist who documented the early outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan, has been released after more than three years detention in China, a family member told CNN.

Fang disappeared after sharing videos showing the on-the-ground situation in the central Chinese city, the epicenter of the original outbreak, as authorities sought to suppress information about the true extent of the unfolding global emergency.

He was released on Sunday and was in Wuhan, according to a family member who declined to be named due to concerns about repercussions.

Fang’s health had suffered while in detention, where he had trouble eating and sleeping, and he had lost weight, the person said.

His videos posted to social media in early 2020 laid bare the realities of the virus’ deadly spread, contradicting the official narrative presented on China’s tightly controlled state media.

Authorities locked down the city of Wuhan on January 23 of that year, but there had been a period of roughly three weeks between when health officials announced a mysterious illness and confirmed it was spreading between people.

In one video, Fang, a Wuhan resident who sold clothing, showed hospital corridors crowded with patients and their desperate relatives. During one segment, Fang counts body bags piled in a van – images that garnered significant attention in China, where the public was desperate to understand what was happening in the epicenter city.

In his final videos, Fang recorded people coming to his door to ask questions and said his home was surrounded by plainclothes policemen.

He appeared emotional in one recording, referencing the death from the virus of Covid whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang – who was reprimanded by police for sharing information about early patients – and the silencing of fellow citizen journalist Chen Qiushi, saying the reason he had not been taken away was due to his viewers’ attention.

The relative of Fang told CNN he had been charged with “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and was sentenced to three years. The charge is commonly used to silence activists and government critics.

CNN was not able to independently confirm the details of Fang’s case, including whether he was formally charged or the circumstances of his release.

The Wuhan public security bureau did not answer repeated phone calls from CNN. The Ministry of Justice in Beijing did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.

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