You Need Faith To Overcome
City Pastor's Teachings
Anyone can find themselves in an unpleasant situation. A temporary set-back in business or in career and even health. I say temporary because everyone is expected to overcome all unpleasant situations in their life.
Some preachers think a Christian is not supposed to be ill, or even have a little financial problem or small set-back in business. Common! Anyone can be attacked but everyone who is attacked is expected to come out safely. It takes faith for you to come out of crisis without bruises.
In the Book of Matthew 8: 23-27 Jesus having preached all day was tired and while in the boat returning home with his disciples fell asleep.
“Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Matthew 8: 24-25
Being tired here can connote a situation where you have worked so hard and not yielding results become tired. When tired, you are weak and unable to work, in such situations when problems comes you may not have the capacity to handle it because you are already tired.
I want you to note 2 things from this passage:
Problems are related to storms, that is why you hear people sing, ‘Storm is over’ when they finally conquer a negative situation.
Problems comes suddenly, it doesn’t announce or advertise its coming. It doesn’t say, ‘Look here I am coming to your house or business’. It comes suddenly, unannounced, just like a thief!
People often save money for hard times, because they envisage that a bad time may come. But most of the time, regardless of how much one prepares, problems or hard times usually hits unexpectedly. It comes like a punch from a boxer, at an unexpected time, and in an unexpected manner, yes! that is the way problems comes.
Most often, when situations like this arises, only a few people are able to handle it, maybe because they have always prepared for the hard time, which most often, their preparations doesn't do much. You may have saved alot of money to save you of problems if you suddenly loss your job. But can you save enough to save yourself from a sudden terminal disease?
Now from our study passage, when suddenly there was this storm, even while Jesus was tired and sleeping, but “Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” (That means people are afraid when they don’t have faith, faith is your ability to believe and know that something that looks impossible can actually be done) Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm” Matthew 8: 26
Praise the Lord! The same way problems come suddenly, breakthroughs also come suddenly when you have faith.
Yes, breakthrough can come within a twinkle of an eye, it could just be one single phone call, and all the problems of years can disappear, it can be just one touch from a man of God and that disease, that terminal sickness disappears!
So why are you afraid of that situation, when you know that all you need is just to believe that it is solved and it will be solved? You heard they will be sacking people from your place of work and you become afraid, God is asking you, why you are afraid. If he could stop a storm, even in his very tired condition, yes you can stop that terrible situation from continuing, you can make good things happen for you. Just BELIEVE!!!
You need faith, strong enough to believe that even if 90% of the total employees at your place of work are being considered for sack, you will not be one of them.
Your business might seem not to go well, you have put all your resources into it, invested your time and all you know, but it doesn't seem to work, you loss courage, you become afraid! No, what you should do is to get up and rebuke the situation, tell the devourers to leave your business alone and stop panicking.
If you have faith you will overcome any negative situations. Ask God to help you strengthen your faith today.
God bless you.
I'd like to end this with this quote from this man of God, Pastor Kumuyi, he said; “When we allow past mistakes and future apprehensions to dominate out thoughts and lives, it is evidence of unbelief and lack of faith in God”
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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Anyone can find themselves in an unpleasant situation. A temporary set-back in business or in career and even health. I say temporary because everyone is expected to overcome all unpleasant situations in their life.
Some preachers think a Christian is not supposed to be ill, or even have a little financial problem or small set-back in business. Common! Anyone can be attacked but everyone who is attacked is expected to come out safely. It takes faith for you to come out of crisis without bruises.
In the Book of Matthew 8: 23-27 Jesus having preached all day was tired and while in the boat returning home with his disciples fell asleep.
“Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Matthew 8: 24-25
Being tired here can connote a situation where you have worked so hard and not yielding results become tired. When tired, you are weak and unable to work, in such situations when problems comes you may not have the capacity to handle it because you are already tired.
I want you to note 2 things from this passage:
Problems are related to storms, that is why you hear people sing, ‘Storm is over’ when they finally conquer a negative situation.
Problems comes suddenly, it doesn’t announce or advertise its coming. It doesn’t say, ‘Look here I am coming to your house or business’. It comes suddenly, unannounced, just like a thief!
People often save money for hard times, because they envisage that a bad time may come. But most of the time, regardless of how much one prepares, problems or hard times usually hits unexpectedly. It comes like a punch from a boxer, at an unexpected time, and in an unexpected manner, yes! that is the way problems comes.
Most often, when situations like this arises, only a few people are able to handle it, maybe because they have always prepared for the hard time, which most often, their preparations doesn't do much. You may have saved alot of money to save you of problems if you suddenly loss your job. But can you save enough to save yourself from a sudden terminal disease?
Now from our study passage, when suddenly there was this storm, even while Jesus was tired and sleeping, but “Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” (That means people are afraid when they don’t have faith, faith is your ability to believe and know that something that looks impossible can actually be done) Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm” Matthew 8: 26
Praise the Lord! The same way problems come suddenly, breakthroughs also come suddenly when you have faith.
Yes, breakthrough can come within a twinkle of an eye, it could just be one single phone call, and all the problems of years can disappear, it can be just one touch from a man of God and that disease, that terminal sickness disappears!
So why are you afraid of that situation, when you know that all you need is just to believe that it is solved and it will be solved? You heard they will be sacking people from your place of work and you become afraid, God is asking you, why you are afraid. If he could stop a storm, even in his very tired condition, yes you can stop that terrible situation from continuing, you can make good things happen for you. Just BELIEVE!!!
You need faith, strong enough to believe that even if 90% of the total employees at your place of work are being considered for sack, you will not be one of them.
Your business might seem not to go well, you have put all your resources into it, invested your time and all you know, but it doesn't seem to work, you loss courage, you become afraid! No, what you should do is to get up and rebuke the situation, tell the devourers to leave your business alone and stop panicking.
If you have faith you will overcome any negative situations. Ask God to help you strengthen your faith today.
God bless you.
I'd like to end this with this quote from this man of God, Pastor Kumuyi, he said; “When we allow past mistakes and future apprehensions to dominate out thoughts and lives, it is evidence of unbelief and lack of faith in God”
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
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