The Most Important Areas of Your Home To Insulate

 The Most Important Areas of Your Home To Insulate

Insulating your home comes with many choices, including what type of insulation to use, which installation company to hire, and where in your home to insulate. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some of the most important areas of your home to insulate. Prioritize these parts of your home when you schedule your first installation job.

The Roof

There are many reasons to insulate the area around your home’s roof. Scheduling protective maintenance, such as insulating your roof, is one way to protect your building from the elements. Because warm air expands and rises, it can often be lost through your roof or attic. Roofing insulation can help trap warm air indoors in the winter and help keep it out during the summer. Certain types of insulation, such as closed-cell spray foam, can also help protect your roof from leaks and water damage by providing a moisture barrier.

The Attic

If your home has one, insulating your attic can provide many of the same benefits as roofing insulation. Insulate your attic space to prevent warm air transfer that can negatively impact your home’s temperatures and energy bills. Don’t ignore the surface underneath your attic floor either—insulating your ceilings can help prevent warm air and moisture from collecting in your attic space, which helps prevent mold growth.

Exterior Walls

Next, prioritize scheduling insulation for any exterior walls of your building. This includes your home’s outer walls on any level, walls leading to open-air rooms, and crawl spaces. This list also includes the walls that separate any living spaces and unheated garages or storage spaces. If your basement is heated, you may also want to insulate any foundation walls to prevent heat loss through the foundation level.

Around Windows and Doors

Window and door frames connected to the exterior of your home can be common causes of air leaks and drafts. While insulating your walls, make sure that contractors pay special attention to the areas surrounding doors and windows. Insulating these areas can make these installations more effective and promote energy efficiency.

Now that you know which parts of your home are most important to insulate, you can prioritize these areas when you schedule your installation. Knowing which areas you want to insulate can also help you get a more accurate quote and speed up the planning process.

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