Tips for More Successful Experiments in the Lab

Tips for More Successful Experiments in the Lab

Every laboratory manager wants all of the experiments performed in their lab to be successful, but there are numerous factors that can cause an experiment to fail. Fortunately, there are steps you can take as a lab worker to protect the quality of your experiments and bolster your chances of a satisfactory outcome. Here are some tips to promote more successful experiments in your laboratory.

Procure Everything You Need Before Starting

Time is of the essence when observing certain chemical reactions and responses. The last thing you want to worry about during an experiment is needing to track down the sample or tools required for the next step of the process. Instead, make sure you check your process notes carefully before starting your experiments for the day and collect all the materials you need in advance. This will also help you take note of your lab’s inventory and identify when you need to order any new stock.

Use The Right Equipment

The tools you use can make or break a laboratory experiment. As a lab manager or technician, you know the broad range of tools that every laboratory keeps stocked. Even small tools like forceps have minute differences between each model. For example, using tissue forceps versus dressing forceps in a laboratory experiment could change how you handle your samples, which would affect the entire process. Before beginning your experiments, carefully inspect your tools to make sure you have the necessary models and variations on hand.

Maintain Your Equipment

Using the right equipment is crucial during any lab experiment, but the condition and quality of that equipment are also integral to your success. If you maintain your lab equipment between each use, you will gain better experiment results. Therefore, you should always clean your laboratory tools thoroughly and safely store them after every use; this prevents a buildup of residue from previous tests, which could contaminate future samples. Additionally, remember to inspect your equipment regularly to ensure you don’t use damaged or broken tools during your next experiment.

Consider sharing these tips for more successful experiments in your lab with the rest of your staff. You can even schedule training sessions to provide these tips and tricks to your lab staff to encourage more care and attention during everyone’s experiments.

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