Ben Murray-Bruce Becomes First Owner of Flying Car in Nigeria

Senator Ben Murray Bruce has announced himself as the first owner of a flying car in Nigeria.

Though the car is yet to arrive in the country, nor even ready, the Silver Bird boss announced this on his preferred social media page — twitter, saying when the car is delivered he will be the first to own one in the country.

Talking about how flying cars is the future, he announced his $300,000 purchase thus;

“I am thrilled to announce my preorder of Alef, @AlefAeronautics, the first FAA-approved flying electric car! A testament to our boundless future—flying cars aren’t just for sci-fi anymore. For years, I’ve been an advocate for electric vehicles, and I was the first to own one in Nigeria,” he said.


  1. Mr common sense,is no practising what he preaches,people talk from both side of their mouth


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