Stop Worrying About Tomorrow

You probably may not find this kind of advice in any other book apart from the Bible or maybe some other religious books too.

The present world we live today encourages people not just to worry about tomorrow but even to do ANYTHING especially negative things to take care of their tomorrow.

Tomorrow which may never come! An artiste sang “No one knows tomorrow”, yes it is very true, no one knows tomorrow, not even fortune tellers nor any pastor or scientist knows what will happen tomorrow.

If people can tell tomorrow, then corporate organizations will pay any amount of money to a fortune teller to tell them how their businesses would go in the future so that they can prepare ahead for it.

I tell you the truth, if people can tell about tomorrow, Obama wouldn’t have stressed himself so much over campaigning for his presidential election, because he would have known that he was going to win, and probably Romney wouldn’t have even bothered contesting, knowing that he was not going to win.

Because of people’s worry about tomorrow and how to amass wealth to take care of tomorrow, people go into prostitution, others steal massive funds from government resources and some even kill, using human parts for money making rituals to get rich.

A tomorrow that may never come!

Your being alive tomorrow does not depend on how much wealth you have today. In fact it does not depend on how much spirituality you have; neither does it depend on your present health status. Only God knows tomorrow.

In the book of Matthew 6: 25-34, Jesus told his followers not to worry about everyday living. He explained to them how God takes care of birds that neither plant nor harvest or store food in barns, and yet God feeds them.

“Can your worries add a single moment to your life?” He asked them in verse 27 of Matthew 6.

Many Christians are worried about tomorrow; they think of how they will pay their children’s school fees, how they will eat in January 2013 and we are in November 2012. They worry about too many things they can do nothing about, rather than worry about how they can optimize their today.

In verse 25B of Matthew 6, Jesus said, “Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?”

That is the worries of many people, “What will I eat, what will I wear?” rather than kill yourself with worries, ask God for everything you need and He will provide them for you cause He is Everything.

Stop worrying about tomorrow, please commit tomorrow to God. Ask Him to provide for tomorrow, the same He provides today.

“So don’t worry about these things, saying ‘What will we eat? What will I wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs” Matthew 6:31-32

You see, God knows all your needs, He knows you need a car when you need one, if you don’t have one maybe He knows you don’t need one yet or maybe you have not yet asked Him to give you.

“Seek the kingdom of God above all else (that should be your daily worries- How to serve God, How to please Him, Life in Eternity) and live righteously (don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t cheat anyone, stop adultery and fornication), and He will give you everything you need” Matthew 6:33

Do you know that you can be planning and worrying on how to build that duplex or complete that large office complex and by tomorrow morning a flood or any other natural disaster or even fire outbreak can consume all your dreams? Or you are worrying about that 100 million naira contract, and by tomorrow morning a new government topples the one about to award you the contract, or even the person to award the contract suddenly passes on! Or even you can be ill that you won’t even have the time to think of contract!

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” Matthew 6: 34

Praise God!

Prayer: God please teach me how to be totally dependent on You. Help me understand Your ways.

Please provide for me everything that I need to make my future a good one, particularly my eternity which is not comparable to what I will spend here on earth. Even as I obey all your teachings here on earth, please bless me in all that pertains to me; my health, my finances and my family, in Jesus name, amen.

Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.

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