Woman Slips, Plunges 100ft To Her Death Moments After Getting Engaged

A newly engaged woman plummeted 100ft to her death just moments after her husband-to-be asked her to marry him.

Yesim Demir, 39, was visiting a romantic cliffside spot in northwestern Turkey to watch the sunset with her partner Nizamettin Gursu on July 6 after he had recently proposed to her.

After arriving at the beauty spot, Gursu reportedly went back to the car to fetch a picnic and some celebratory drinks, when he suddenly heard a blood-curdling scream.

He rushed back to his fiancée, only to find that she had tumbled off the edge of the cliff, falling around 104 ft.

Gursu promptly called for help, but after 45 minutes of resuscitation efforts, medics declared his wife-to-be dead.

Gursu told local media: ‘We chose it to have a romantic memory after the proposal. We drank some alcohol.

‘Everything happened at once. She lost her balance and fell down.’

The authorities immediately closed off the area and opened an investigation, according to reports, with access to the cliff only being allowed again ‘in a controlled manner’ on July 15.

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