Be Anxious For Nothing
City Pastor's Teachings

Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God."
Joy Unspeakable
READ: Why Pray!
Why You Should Have a Praying Altar in Your Home
Don’t Pray Like The Hypocrite
Prayer For The Forgiveness of Sin
Prayer and Enthusiasm Brings Favorable Results (Nehemiah: Chapter 2-4)
Prayer Power (Job 14:7-8)
Experiencing The Power of God

Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God."
Good morning, friends, we thank God Almighty for the gift of another
Yes! believe me, the world is currently in a perilous and very hard times,
yes, I agree that some places still work better than other, particularly
places in Africa, probably western part of the continent, where people are
currently languishing daily, in hunger, insecurity, and many other difficult
situations, including poor health system.
Nevertheless! be anxious for nothing! Are you surprised? You needn't be, you
are to be anxious for nothing.
You know Apostle Paul? As a Christian, you should be familiar with him, he was
the man who persecuted the early Christians, but who got caught up with the
wrath of God, on his way to Damascus to kill more Christians, after which he
became the greatest preacher and teacher of the deeds of Christ, based on his
personal encounter with Jesus, not physically but through the spirit, when he
could have died during his encounter with God himself on his way to Damascus
to persecute more Christians.
His teaching has been used for centuries to teach and edify people of God till
In one of his letters to the Christians at Philippian church, in Philippians
4:6, he encouraged them based on the situation they were then facing and based
on his own situation too, as he was at the time in prison in Rome or Ephesus.
He said that in EVERYTHING: (Let's look at what EVERYTHING means: it means ALL
THINGS). So Apostle Paul was saying that, in ALL SITUATION (Whether you are
hungry, annoyed, sad, disappointed, sick, happy, rich, poor, suffering, (IN
EVERYTHING), we are expected not to be ANXIOUS, in EVERY SITUATION.
ANXIOUS: means (feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about
something with an uncertain outcome. It could also mean - very eager or
concerned to do something or for something to happen.
So, we are not supposed to be worried or nervous or tensed about ANY
SITUATION- be it hunger or thoughts of where the next meal would come from.
Do not be ANXIOUS about ANYTHING but in EVERY SITUATION (like we said earlier
EVERY means ALL THINGS), what are you supposed to do?
Let's take every item listed in the verse one after the other for thorough
.... EVERY SITUATION, you are supposed to, by PRAYER and PETITION, with
THANKSGIVING present your REQUESTS to God.
We already know that EVERY SITUATION means ALL THINGS, what the is PRAYER:
It's a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. It
therefore means that, in EVERY SITUATION, (be it whatever, even Paul who wrote
the letter was in the prison at the time, not sure of his fate, whether he was
going to be killed or jailed for live!), you must formally in a dignified
manner (that is what solemn means), you can't be casual about this, you must
be official about, you must reverence God, honor him, call him beautiful
names, praise him, worship him, you must be deliberately serious about
PETITION: means appeal, request, ask, call on, beg an authority. In this case
- God! So, you must appeal to God, beg him, and make your request known to
him. Have you by chance read a petition written to an authority figure like
police, government, or someone authorized to do something or in position to be
able to do something? If you have you will see that the characteristics of the
letter contains all the above mentioned, its same when you are submitting your
petition to God, you must acknowledge him properly, praise his office as God
and the beg him politely for what you desire him to do for you, you don't
force him, you beg him, you don't command him, you beg him politely.
THANKSGIVING: means expression of gratitude, especially to God. Like revering
him, worshipping him, that is thanksgiving.
REQUESTS: means an act of asking politely or formally for something. To
appeal, plea for something. Like I mentioned in PETITION, when asking, you
must be polite, plead for, beg him, not forcing him, you beg and plead.
Now let's put all of these together for better understanding.
Never should you be Anxious for ANYTHING, over ANY SITUATION no matter how bad
that SITUATION maybe. But when you are faced with ANY SITUATION, no matter how
unpleasant, by making a solemn(humble) REQUEST for help from God, begging him
for forgiveness, begging him for assistance to take charge over the situation,
with expression of gratitude, even while you are still waiting or still
praying, not waiting until your PRAYERS have been answered. You are already
appreciating, showing gratitude, even as you are making your REQUESTS, you are
asking him in humility to help you in your situation that needs solution.
So, let's say for instance that I have a situation that troubles my heart,
maybe I have a rent arrears to be paid and my landlord has threatened to kick
me out of his house before the month ends if I didn't pay up.
Here I am with nothing in my account and the month ends just in two weeks. I'm
supposed to be troubled and worried, right? But - no! What I'm I supposed to
1- I will stop being ANXIOUS. let it be that I am seen as being unserious
person by anyone, no problem. Am I being unserious? - No, I am only obeying
the teaching-"not to be anxious about ANYTHING", even my landlord's
threat. What if I don't know where the next meal is coming from? - It's
the same application. I should not be saddened by any SITUATION.
2- I will go on my knees and beg God, with great somberness and humility, I
will thank Him for keeping me alive because it is only a living man who pays
I will also thank Him for all the things He has done for me in the past. With
this I will now present to Him all my heart worries, pleading to HIM to see me
through and send me a help in whatever way He deemed best for me.
That's the summary of Philippians 4:6.
PRAYER: Father, I thank you for giving us this bible verse for today for the
edification of our soul. Please touch everyone reading this to understand You
better. By yourself open our eyes to know and see the benefits of being your
follower and children. Bless the work of our hands even as we start this new
week. We pray for protection over every member of our family, friends and
loved ones. We praise your name; may you be glorified forever. Teach us o Lord
to be ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING in all that we do. In Jesus' name. Amen!
CITY Pastor
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