Call Me A Story-Teller

You don’t think I am writer okay just call me a storyteller. Who am I? I am a
storyteller, I tell stories, I write stories, I write stories inspired from my
environment and from within me, I can tell you stories that can keep you on
your seat all day. So, you think I am not a good writer, I am not disputing
it; I won’t even go into an argument with you but one thing you will not be
able to say is that I am not a storyteller.
I write stories and people love to read my stories, you know what, I am not an editor, you know another thing, an editor is not a storyteller. You think I am not a good storyteller; you miss it there! Have you read the Bible, the Quran and other historical books? Those writers, were they editors or good writers? No, they had no knowledge of diction, grammatical errors, verbs, nouns and the rest. But their stories have been read for centuries. Most of the stories were not originally written in English language, it has taken the work of editors from generation to generation to edit and have the various versions we have today, and even the King James version of the bible is still a difficult version to understand by a lot of people because of the so-called diction, grammatical errors and so forth, but it has been continually read by people of diverse interest. I bet you that generations to come will read and enjoy it reading that version of the bible.
You read my stories and you know I have the stories, if you are a good editor, I will give you right to edit and publish my work in your own language so go ahead and ask me for the permit. Okay so you want me to stop calling myself a writer? Alright, I am a storyteller, and my stories will be read by generations to come.
I write stories and people love to read my stories, you know what, I am not an editor, you know another thing, an editor is not a storyteller. You think I am not a good storyteller; you miss it there! Have you read the Bible, the Quran and other historical books? Those writers, were they editors or good writers? No, they had no knowledge of diction, grammatical errors, verbs, nouns and the rest. But their stories have been read for centuries. Most of the stories were not originally written in English language, it has taken the work of editors from generation to generation to edit and have the various versions we have today, and even the King James version of the bible is still a difficult version to understand by a lot of people because of the so-called diction, grammatical errors and so forth, but it has been continually read by people of diverse interest. I bet you that generations to come will read and enjoy it reading that version of the bible.
You read my stories and you know I have the stories, if you are a good editor, I will give you right to edit and publish my work in your own language so go ahead and ask me for the permit. Okay so you want me to stop calling myself a writer? Alright, I am a storyteller, and my stories will be read by generations to come.
READ: A Writer's Thought
Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, images and sounds, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and in order to instill moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. (Wikipedia).
Since people began to communicate with each other, "Tell me a story" has been a request of both children and adults. Storytelling is one person telling others of something. The story can be of a real event or it can be made up. Storytelling is often a part of our everyday conversations.
Storytelling is one of the earliest forms of folk art. Storytelling probably first consisted of simple chants that praised the dawn, expressed the joy of being alive, and were used to ease the drudgery and boredom of laborious tasks. Later the storyteller became the community entertainer by combining their stories with poetry, music, and dance. The storyteller also evolved into the group historian. This was the beginning of professional storytelling.
So, when next you see me just call me a storyteller, maybe someday I will become a writer.
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