Godliness is profitable

When God’s place is intact, other things fall in line.

Your relationship with God is more than money; it’s more than any other thing.

God wants to be sure that He is your priority, when that is in place every other thing will be alright.

Without your relationship with God in shape, there will be danger ahead.

1 Timothy 4: 7-8, “But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profited little (That means our physical exercise gives some profit to your health): but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come” (KJV)

Godliness is profitable unto all things. We have a generation where there will be enticements. Things that will make you feel that godliness does not pay. And that is satanic.

Adam and Eve did not know how much they were enjoying until they lost it. You know, it looked to them like it was a right to be in the garden and enjoy themselves until Satan came with a “more pleasant offer”. And then, when they left the garden, they now realized that ah! Godliness is profitable!

When I got born-again, we didn’t have this mentality, it looked like getting born-again, and living for God is all about persecution, persecution, suffering and suffering and suffering. But thank God for Apostle Paul; godliness is profitable.

What is godliness? Godliness is living for God. Scripture says, “My son if sinners entice you consents though not”. You don’t know that good health is so precious until you carry HIV, but Satan won’t tell you about HIV, he will entice you with prostitutes, with some strangers and until when you now start having sickness and disease you will now know that the health you had was a blessing.

If Adam and Eve knew, the moment the serpent was suggesting some things, they would have cut the head of the serpent, but it doesn’t look like it!

Godliness is profitable. What is profitable? Profitable means progress. That means God is not against my progress.

Because Satan will come to you making you think your serving God is not making you not to have progress. But godliness is profitable. Any other thing that Satan gives to you to present progress to you, in the long run you will shed tears over it.

Godliness is profitable! Another word for profitable is “gains”, “advantageous”. Profitable means advantageous. That means my being a Christian is not a disadvantage. Some of us use to think like that.

I want to warn all our ladies, godliness is profitable. Godliness is profitable, whatever that interprets to your lifestyle, whatever that interprets to the way you do your things in privacy.

You see, when they sinned in the Garden of Eden, the glory left. When glory leaves, other things fall-apart. But first thing the glory will leave, “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

What a consolation we have in that scripture, that “godliness is profitable.”

So, when you are to lie and you refuse to lie, it’s profitable. When you are to do some things and you constrain yourself, you don’t see it as God punishing you. Godliness is profitable unto all things, “all things.”

It is advantageous, it profits your spirit, and it profits your body. Many of the sicknesses and diseases that people carry that are terminal is noted in disobedience of what God has said and it’s profitable for your soul.

Godliness gives you protection, it gives you promotion, and it gives you prosperity.

The attitude you must carry as a Christian that will bless your relationship with God is “my serving you pays me more than any other thing.”

Never serve Him like a problem. Never serve Him like He is inhibiting you. Like, “if not that I am a Christian… I would have been sleeping with that guy” and when you come to church, you see the “Christian thing”, or the “born-again thing” as a hindrance, as a limitation. On that frequency, you will never get blessed.

Some serve God like that, they don’t even sin; but like the Christianity is a hindrance, like the Christianity is a problem.

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